Chapter 47

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Storm's POV

Me?  Different?  I know I was timider when I was here last, but that was to be expected.  “Just go back inside, Jacob.  There's no reason for you to get hurt.”  I repeated.  I turned away again, only for him to yank my arm back.  I stopped myself from flipping him, settling for twisting his arm back to make him let go.  He did, which wasn't a surprise at all.  “Geez, were you being trained by ninjas or something?”  He commented as I let his arm go.

I half-smiled.  “Maybe I was.”  I allowed myself to say.  I wasn't supposed to say much about how the Skyarmy trained its members, in case the Skymedia people were to try and infiltrate the base.  Jacob chuckled again.  “So you have to find The Hall, right?”  He asked.  I nodded after a moment.  Right, I'd nearly forgotten Jake knew where The Few met up.  “Yeah, I need to put my flame back on so they know I'm back here again.”  I replied.  Jacob nodded.  Fortunately, there were still plenty of cabs around.

Unfortunately, the driver of the one Jacob flagged down did not sit well with me.  Especially when I saw there was only room for one person in the back.  Which meant I ended up in the passenger seat.  I pulled my sheath out, keeping it out of sight of the driver.  The ride was fine at first.  Until we got to a stoplight.  The driver yawned, his hand drifting to my upper leg.  That was not going to happen without there being consequences.  I pulled my sword out, pointing it right at the driver's chest, growling sharply.  He instantly pulled his hands away.

Jacob noticed right away.  “Woah, what are you doing Storm?”  He asked quickly.  I scanned the driver's side.  A half-hidden paper caught my eyes.  The label didn't even have to be out completely for me to know what it said.  “We're getting out, now.”  I hissed, opening the door.  Jacob offered to pay, though the driver said it was fine and drove off as quickly as he could.  I put my sword away again.  “What was that about?”  Jacob asked, mad now.  I growled sharply, making him back away.  “That guy was a rapist who got released on probation.”  I replied, forcing my ears and tail to stay away.

“What- How do you know?”  Jacob asked.  I sighed.  “He had put the probation paper under the visor.  He pretty much revealed himself when he pretended to yawn and put his hand on my leg though.”  I replied quickly.  We started walking again without much more of a conversation.  Jacob sighed when we finally found The Hall again.  I turned to face him before I had to go up. 

The whole area flickered.  The spell Doctor Strange had set up was coming down.  It was going to collapse any moment now.  “You should find cover.  The spell preventing the fight from getting into this realm is wavering.  I don't know who The Few are dealing with and it is definitely not safe for you to be here.”  I told Jacob.  The spell collapsed, revealing The Few fighting… Hybrids?  There were multiple flying hybrids and many of them on other buildings and floors providing support.

I took my dagger out, flipping the blade around a few times.  I caught the blade, handing it to Jacob with the handle facing him.  “What is that?”  He asked.  I smiled lightly.  “It's a dagger.  The blade is made from obsidian, though I mixed some adamantium in it to make sure it doesn't break.  I'm giving it to you so you can keep yourself safe.  The blade has an enchantment on it that activates once it senses I'm not the one holding it anymore.  It won't affect you, but I'll know if you get hurt.”  I explained, pushing the handle towards him again.

Jacob took the blade, causing a shape to fade into place on the top of my hand.  It burned for a few seconds, telling me the connection was completed.  The handle held the same symbol on it.  Jacob looked at my hand.  “Doesn't that hurt?”  He asked.  I moved my hand to show him.  “It burns for a few seconds while the connection is made.”  I explained.  A fireball came down from above us.  I pushed Jacob out of the way, using my fire ears and tail to slow the fall of the blazing sphere.  Jacob gasped as he saw it.  I growled.  Only one person would use hybrids like this.

Ein Dark.  The same guy who had used the hybrid whistle on my family, and controlled me with it for some time.  I helped Jacob stand up, making my flaming wings come out to act as a shield for now.  “Get out of here, now!”  I told him quickly.  Jacob looked at the dagger before turning and running.  I went into the tower, finding my way up to where The Few had their flames.  I found the room after a while.  The number of explosions outside was alarming.  I found my pillar after a moment, going over to it.  As soon as I lit this, I wouldn't be part of the Skyarmy anymore.  Until I put the flame out and Sky allowed me back in.

But, I had to help The Few before Ein killed somebody.  I knew he would if we didn't stop him soon.  I looked around a bit, checking the number of hybrids here and their breeds.  There were a decent amount of fire foxes here.  Good strategy, set most of the battleground on fire to delay any help from coming too quickly.  I had tried that myself during our capture the flag matches until half of the forest caught on fire as a result.  I saw Sly and Kayla trying to fight a few hybrids.  They were being forced back by all of the fire.  I growled, changing into my fire fox, though putting my wings away.  Then I noticed something.

These hybrids… had green eyes.  Was there a second hybrid whistle?  A sharp sound told me there was.  But somehow, it didn't affect me.  It still hurt to hear, but I didn't feel anything trying to take control of me.  I willed my eyes to appear green to not draw attention from the other hybrids and made my way up to Sly and Kayla.

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