Chapter 40

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Storm’s POV

At first, I had to go slowly.  I was trying to make a trail I could follow back.  But I knew that would be hard.  “So you know where we’re going Storm?”  Ross asked.  I sighed.  “I know the general direction.  But I don’t think it would be a good idea to try and fly up in this.  It might cause us to crash and that would only make things worse, for everyone.”  I explained.  A tree branch fell down, startling Ross.  Squirrels have very sharp nails, including their hybrid counterparts.  “Ross, get your nails out of my back before I kick you off.”  I growled.  Ross put his nail away.  “Sorry.”  He said.  I sighed.

“You fought against evil with the others, but you get scared by a tree branch?  What is going on with you Ross?”  I asked, going over a fallen log covered in snow.  Ross shrugged.  “On edge.  I was listening to the wind and not the trees.”  He replied.  I shook my head, but kept it low at the same time to try and pick up any scents.  It felt like night had fallen again, the air was colder.  Ross has curled his tail up to try and keep warm.  “Guess I’m not the best help in keeping you warm like this.”  I sighed.  Ross didn’t answer.  Maybe he was trying to go to sleep.  The cold was immense, even with me in this form.  I should try to get Ross warm.  His scarf might keep him warm enough not to freeze, but I didn’t like him like that.  No hybrid that was vulnerable to the cold should have to deal with this, even if I didn’t like them.  Nobody deserved this.

I could hear water nearby after, what really seemed like, a very, very long time.  That means we were finally near the lake.  “Ross.  Hey Ross, we’re by the lake.”  I said, looking over my shoulder.  Ross didn’t answer.  No way he was that heavy of a sleeper.  “Ross, don’t make me toss you in the water.  It’ll be about twenty times worse than the air.  Especially after you climb out.”  I growled, which got Ross to jump off.  “Okay, okay.  Geez.”  He complained.  I half laughed.  “Come on, we should get to the other side.”  I said.  Ross went over to the water.  Right, he had a narwhal form.  Narwhal hybrids could withstand the cold water.  I took a breath, walking over to the water.  I didn’t know if my water form could take to the ice-cold water very well.

“If you make an ice raft, I can push you to the other side.”  Ross came up with.  I nodded.  “You’re right.  Good idea.”  I said.  The water froze slightly now that I was closer to it.  I didn’t want to freeze the whole lake, even if it would only be the top.  I focused on water only freezing enough that I could stand on it.  Okay, that kind of worked.  The ice cracked and broke, sending me into the water.  Ross swam over and pushed me up.  This time, I made the ice thicker.  Ross helped me climb into the ice and made sure it didn’t crack again.

Ross pushed the ice raft over the water slowly.  It cracked a few times, but I caught it before it broke.  We reached the other side eventually.  “I think it’s getting worse.”  Ross said once we were both on the shore.  “It sure feels like it.  The camp isn’t far now.  I just hope we can stop it in time so the guys don’t freeze.”  I said.  We got to the camp soon.  “Storm, there you are.”  Naomi said, coming over in her wolf form.  Even in her form, Naomi still looked cold.  “Where’s Shelby?  What happened?”  Ross asked.

“Shelby lost focus and the wind blew her into a tree.  She’s okay but she can’t calm the blizzard back down.”  Events answered, coming from a tent.  I changed into my half human form.  “The guys are in a cave on the other side of the lake.  Max is trying to keep them warm but I don’t know how long that will last.”  I explained.  We walked over to the tent.  Red was outside it now.  Ross went inside.  He really did feel bad Shelby was hurt.  Ross came back out, without his scarf.  “I think Shelby will be okay now.”  He said, even though he was going to be a lot colder now.

I changed into my firefox form quickly and started a fire where it was before.  I then changed into my nature form and grew a small bush as fuel.  I got back into my arctic form after a few moments, to catch my breath.  It was getting a lot worse.  “Let me try to calm it down.  You guys should stay in the tent or by the fire.  It shouldn’t go out as long as the wind doesn’t get too strong.”  I said.  Everest nodded, moving Naomi to the fire.  “Be careful will you?”  Red said.  I nodded after a moment.

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