Chapter 38

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Storm’s POV

I could tell Ross’s scarf was kicking in now.  The ice was starting to get thin, so he should have been able to break it himself now.  I took a step back, making sure my flames were off of Ross as he got up. “What the h*ll was that?”  Max asked. I groaned. “Do they not remember this form from when Ein was controlling me?” I asked Ross.  He shrugged. “Don’t think so. We were trying NOT to hurt you, remember that?” He squeaked. I made a small flame next to him.  “Okay! Sorry!” He added quickly. I learned slightly, shaking my head.

“Ross, you okay?”  Jin asked. At least he seemed to tell I wasn’t the enemy.  None of the guys, except Ross, could understand me in this form.  If I really wanted to, I could turn into my lightning wolf and fry the machine that Jin had making the electro-magnetic field and talk to them that way.  But it would probably get me in less trouble if I just showed them who I was. I was definitely going to be mad at, for even leaving the guys in the first place.  That reminded me. What about the hybrid I saw in the lake? Maybe there were more like him in there. Ross was the only hybrid I’d seen that could change into a water-based animal.  My water wolf form didn’t count since a wolf isn’t water-based.

Max was coming closer, and he definitely looked like Mad Max.  Maybe I could use his trigger against him… Oh, this was going to be fun.  I took a step back, making a small flame to burn some of the dirt. I only made a ‘M’ before Max shot a smaller version of his giant fireballs at my side.  It didn’t burn too much, since this was my fire form. But it still hurt enough to make me shoot one back at him. I got the ‘ad’ down before Max got another shot off.  “Wait, it’s writing something.” Jin called. Ross chuckled, seeming to know my plan already. Max took a step to read it. “If you want to see mad, I’m going to show you mad.”  He threatened.

I half laughed, quickly getting ‘Ma’ down before Max created a flaming circle around me.  Really? Did he not get that I could just dissipate his fire? I made the ring disappear and got the ‘x’ down.  Ross laughed. “Mad Max.” Sky read aloud. I changed into my water wolf and splashed Max, making the water cold.  I also doused the flames so the words could be read without anyone getting hurt. “That’s not Skymedia.” Jin said, who was also laughing.  I looked at Ross, he nodded. Now I could change back. I changed into my fire-fox form before changing into my half-human form.

Max looked even more ‘Mad Max’.  His hair was going to- well now his hair is on fire.  I laughed slightly. “I really got you guys this time.”  I said. Max growled, of course he was the only ‘human’ that could actually have a realistic growl.   It wasn’t that I thought they were human, they had powers. They just appeared more human than any other hybrid.  He charged at me. I took a breath, made my wings come out, and jumped over Max before Sky could say, “Max, no!” Though, of course, the snow wasn’t helping me heat up again.  Lowering my body temperature to help Ross thaw had decreased my energy more than I’d thought, and these wings used more energy since I was used to having them yet.

I should have told Shelby to wait for a flare so she can stop the blizzard.  I had to close my wings and drop down before doing anything else. Though, I had to catch my breath first.  “What were you thinking Storm? We thought the Skymedia had gotten you.” Sky started. I put my wings away and changed my first ears and tail for my arctic wolf ears and tail so I wouldn’t be so affected by the snow.  “Well, it wasn’t. Ross and I just mistook it for them because I couldn’t break the net.” I answered. Max scoffed. “All those forms, and you couldn’t figure out you could have burned the net?” He asked.

I growled.  “I was in the water!  If I changed into my fire-fox form, I would have had my flames put out, passed out and then drowned!  Besides, the net was hybrid-proof, not even a wolverine hybrid could have broken it.” I snapped back.  Why did Max have to be so irritating!? Sky chuckled. “That’s just Max’s way of saying he was worried about you Storm.”  He explained. Max? Worried? About me? That had to be a joke. “Well, there was no need to be. The net belonged to Red, Everest, Shelby and Naomi.  They were fishing and I got caught while Ross and I were messing around.” I said, still pretty mad. Huh…

If someone had told me before I changed the first time that I would be here, I would have thought they had gone crazy.  Guess you can never really know how things are going to turn out until you see them play out in front of you.

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