Chapter 29

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Storm's POV

I sat back.  Tears pricked my eyes again.  Someone had needed me to help them, and I had failed.  I put my head down.  My ears and tail disappeared, the headphones fell off.  I whinced as the irritating whistling picked up again.  My black ears and tail came back out on their own like last time.  I heard other whines as the other wolf hybrids picked the sound up too. 

My hands balled up, uprooting some of the grass and dirt.  I looked around at the other hybrids.  Even the fox hybrids were being affected by the sound.  Jared, the squirrel and the deer hybrids were the only ones still standing.  I took a breath and forced myself to my feet.  I stumbled but ended up just falling forward.  I could just about reach my headphones.  There, I grabbed the top part!  I pulled them closer to me.

I huffed, even this amount of movement was hard.  I managed to put the headphones on.  The whistling sound stopped.  I closed my eyes and took deep breaths.  I stood up slowly and turned around.  Logan, Katara and Nightfury were all on the ground.  Logan had fire ears and tail.  Katara had nature ears and tail.  Nightfury had the white ears and tail from when he was on the cloud with me.  Even the black and white wings were out.  Jared was watching me. 

"We have got to get them inside somewhere!"  I shouted over the tortured whines.  Jared nodded.  I helped Nightfury up since he was the closest one to me.  I helped Nightfury get into the small hut.  I set him down on one of the beds and put the covers over him.

  "L-luna."  I heard weakly.  Nightfury had his eyes opened slightly.  Nobody knew my middle name, so how did he?  I never told anyone my middle name, not even Jess.  I knew my first and middle names, not my last though.  Everest and Naomi knew my middle name, though.

"How do you know my middle name?"  I asked softly.  Nightfury lifted his hand and touched mine.  "My s-sister has been m-missing for t-twelve years.  N-now she's finaly b-back."  He said.  Nightfury's voice was soft and was fading.  I froze.  He's talking about me!?  I thought.  Nightfury let his eyes close.  Jared and one of the deer hybrids brought in Logan. 

Katara was carried in by two deer hybrids while the squirrel hybrid lead their way.  The two were set beside each other.  Katara was in between Nightfury and Logan.  If these were my family, I had to protect them.  No matter what.  Jared came over.  "How are you not being affected?"  He asked. 

I pointed to my headphones.  "This happened before.  My friend made these to block the sound."  I explained.  Jared nodded.  "They block whatever frequency our wolf and fox ears pick up.  The sound makes it impossible to put one's ears and tail away."  I added slowly.

I walked outside and tried to get the wolf and fox hybrids under the trees in case there was an attack.  I closed my eyes and thought of the castle scene from my vision.  The two people definitely looked like Logan and Katara.  I froze the scene where the two were talking to Sky and Jin.  I checked each of the windows.  I could see a fuzzy figure of, who must have been, Nightfury. 

A tap on my shoulder made me jump up and out of my thoughts.  It was Jared.  "Is something wrong?  What happened?"  I asked quickly.  Jared put his hands up to calm me down.  "Without Logan, Katara or Nightfury, we have nobody to lead us.  That role falls to you, Storm.  I can explain everything to you."  Jated said.  I nodded.

Dialog below

Storm: Why was I sent away?

Jared: The Skymedia had placed a bounty on all hybrids in our village.  You were the only known mulity-hybrid.  It was safer to send you away.

Storm: Who were the two I lived with?

Jared: Logan's brother and sister-in-law.  We were sorry to hear about the fire.

Storm: I caused the fire.  I had turned into my fire fox form by accident.  I freaked out and set a curtain on fire.

Jared: We figured as much.

Storm: Why were my forms put in my necklace?

Jared: You were always having these spasms.  You would change into all your forms randomly.  Putting them in the charm stopped the spasms.  Every spasm made us move you into a different room.

Dialogue end

I nodded slowly.  That made sense how Hyria wasn't able to fix my spasms.  "But it didn't stop all of them.  I had become friends with someone when I started having a form spasm."  I recalled.  Jared nodded thoughtfully. 

"We knew you would have a spasm when more of your forms woke up.  But a Skymedia attack might have also triggered it.  Was there someone in a blacksuit or a shadow nearby?"  Jared asked.  "There was a shadow."  I said.  Jared nodded.  Jared gathered all the hybrids: that were able to walk, for a meeting.  He explained to them our situation. 

"As you all know, someone new has been among us for some time now.  This is no random hybrid.  The posters that were put up did their job.  Storm has returned.  She has agreed to help us."  Jared said.

Time skip

I pulled a chair up and watched my family.  When I finally meet them: they ended up being put in danger.  I turned into my galaxy form and curled up on the chair.  It wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep, but I didn't want to miss anything. 

A sound woke me up but it didn't seem like anythijg was wrong.  I changed into my half human form with galaxy ears and tail.  I looked around, my normal night vision wasn't working.

The deer hybrids were sleeping.  I saw Jared moving in his own cabin.  I walked over and knocked on his door.  Jared opened it slowly.  "Storm?  What's wrong, did something happen?"  Jared asked.  I shook my head.  "Not really.  I woke up, think I heard something.  I guess it was my imagination.  But usually my night vision kicks in.  It didn't this time."  I said. 

Jared let me come in.  "Night vision usually works, but only most of the time.  If yours didn't come out, that must mean you don't need it for whatever you have to do." Jared said.  I tilted my head slightly.  "Night vision is an ability that is either absolutely needed, or not at all.  There is no in between for it.  You must not need night vision."  Jared simplified. 

I nodded again.  "Okay, thank you.  I'll let you sleep Jared, we have to find the source of that whistling."  I said.  I went back to where my family was sleeping.  I turned back into my galaxy form and tried to find sleep again.

Nobody's POV

While Storm slept, her mother and father changed into their fire and nature forms.  The other wolf and fox hybrids did the same.  Nightfury stayed sleeping but he got a mental route of where everyone was heading.  Jared and the unaffected hybrids were still sound asleep: unaware of what was taking place.

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