Chapter 20

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Turned out that Jess had made almost every suit that The Few use.  There were even a few suits that were harldy used.  One of them looked like a giant bumble bee.  Jess had said that the hardest suits to make were hers and Daniels.  Daniels suit needed to be able to be friction resistant.  

While Jess's own suit needed to be made of a super rare and super hard to find ore.  I couldn't even pronounce the name.  The others turned up a few hours later.  They all looked mad, except Sly.  He looked furious.  "Jess, I told you to watch her.  Now there's a report asking if she's our newest member!  What kind of watching was that?"  His face was turning red.

 Jess seemed calm enough.  I took a couple steps forward.  "It's not her fault.  I'm the one who ran after the theif, I'm the one who stopped him.  If you want to blame someone, than blame me."  I said, my voice didn't break like other times I tried to stand up for someone.  That seemed to register with Sly.  He took a few deep breaths before he spoke again.

 "I'm not saying what you did was wrong, any of us would have done the same.  What I'm mad about, is that you were in normal clothes.  Anyone could have easily took your hood off and exposed you to everyone.  You're extremely lucky that only the one person saw you."  He paused.  "Though I would like to know how you threw a manhole cover like it was light as a feather."  His tone confused me.  "I thought it was a trash can lid."  I said, letting my confusion show.  

The guy in the robosuit, Katz, shook his head.  "Nope, the video confirmed it.  What you threw, was a near two hundred pound manhole cover.  There was no trash can lid in that ally."  Two hundred pounds?  It didn't even feel like it was that heavy, it felt light.  Jess stepped forward, now she was next to me.

 "Sly, look, all Storm did was what she thought was right.  I went to grab my suit so I could stop the thief.  When I did find him, he was unarmed and tried up as well as knocked out cold.  Storm came from behind me with the mans weapon.  It was umarmed.  She had returned to stolen jewelry already.  All I had to do was pretend that I helped and got us away.  Even you could tell from the video that she doesn't like being on camera.  I had to get her away before the news vans came.  Though, I'm sure that you already scheduled a conference to explain what happened."  Her voice became stern.

 Sly nodded.  What's a conference?  I thought.  I felt a slight buzz.  Somehow the clip that connected me to Everest, had yet to fall off.  Everyone was looking at me now, the source of the buzzing.  I felt my cheeks burn.  I turned and half ran, half walked since I was likely to fall, to the room.  I closed the door and took the clip out.  I clicked the button.  "Everest?"  I said slowly.

 "Storm, you actually answered."  The voice at the other end said.  It cracked slightly. "Are you crying?"  I asked.  There was a pause.  "It's that obvious?"  She asked.  I laughed slightly.  "Kind of."  I wasn't sure if she could hear my voice completely.  I still had the headphones on, her voice seemed clear enough.  "Everest, I think you should hold the clip a little away from you.  I'm going to try something."  I said.

 There was a mumbled 'ok'.  I opened the clips button and moved the wires.  When I managed to reconfigure the settings, I clicked the button.  The clip opened and folded outward.  In a matter for seconds, a small screen with a handle was in my hand.  The screen flickered to show Everest's tears stained face.  "What happened?"  I asked, turning the camera so that the background was facing the wall.  "The people from the Sky media came back, nobody got hurt... but..."  The camera turned to show that Everest's leg was in a thick cast.  I whined slightly.

 "They hurt you?"  I said, my voice becoming territorial.  "Not exactly, I was trying to tell them that you weren't here anymore.  They didn't listen.  They pushed me to the side, I fell down the stairs.."  Her voice was cracking.  Something about Everest's facial expression told me that wasn't all that happened.  I let it go.  

"Ok, so how are things with Naomi?"  I said trying to lighten the air in the room.  "She's good.  How are things over there?  I hope your not being, or causing, too much trouble for the guys."  She said.  This was going to be awkward.  "Well, that's the thing..."  I let my voice drift to an end.  The door swung open slowly.  Jess came in, her face was confused.  I turned the volume down on the screen and folded it.

 "I thought I heard someone I knew..."  Jess said.  I looked to the screen.  "Um..."  I said.  The clip beeped.  I turned the volume up and caught Everest in the middle of a question.  "... wrong Storm?"  She said.  Jess's eyes widened.  "Everest?"  She said, her voice confused.   "Storm, who else is there?  I just heard someone say my name."  Everest said back.  

I turned the screen away from me and towards Jess.  I clicked the button again to turn the camera back on.  "OH MY GOD, JESS!"  Everest said, her scream nearly breaking my ears.  Jess seemed frozen in place.  "Everest?  How do you have a clip?  I thought Jin would only give them to members of the Sky Army?"  Jess looked at me now.  

"Well... that's the thing, I may have took one of Jin's clips and fixed it... and gave it to Everest before I left... so we could talk..."  My voice was weak, I could feel my cheeks burning.  Jess took out another clip, but it was slightly purple.  She took the screen I was holding and did something.  

My guess was that she messed with them so now Everest could see both of us.  I could tell because, "Ok so Jess, how exact did Storm end up with The Few?  She was susposed to be with Sky, Jin and the others."  Now it was Jess's turn to be embarrassed.  

"Well, I got a call from Jin.  He said that the portal freaked out.  It ended up sending Storm to where Sly was making his rounds.  When he brought her here, Kayla introduced everyone.  Storm went to wait by the pillars, one of them lit up and then exploded.  Storm sort of lost conciseness and Castor had to help to make sure she was ok.  When she woke up, I thought it would help to calm Storm down if I walked her around.  A robbery cut it short and I had to get my suit.  But she had already stopped the thief and returned to jewels back.  He got tied up and she had unarmed his gun.  Now the news is going crazy about weither she's the newest member of The Few, Sly got mad, and now we're here."  Jess took a deep breath.  I'd never heard someone talk so much, so fast.

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