Chapter 21

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Shout out to winteroko12  for entering her character to be put into this book.  I hope I get her right.  If I missed something or got something wrong plz message me on how to fix it.  Thanks

Jess went on explaining everything that happened.  I managed to get away with a few "yes" and "no" answers.  Everest freaked out a little bit when it came to my having stopped the thief.  I decided to ask a question.  "Everest how did you and Jess meet?"  I asked.  

I could see Everest's cheeks heat up slightly.  "Well.  Before I found out I was a hybrid I was just sort of sitting on my couch.  I got blinded by a blue light and turned into the cat form you already know.  My dad was allergic to cats, so my sister, Luna, put me outside in the snow.  Jess found me and took me to, most likely, where you are now.  She was the only girl so I chose to stay with her.  I became her pet and a companion in fighting.  When I somehow managed to find my mif'wa form, I had to explain everything."  I nodded.  

At least this made sense, with how my life had been so far.  It would actually be a relief to pretend to be an animal alone.  There was a knock on the door.  "Everest, we've got to go.  I'll call you later, maybe in a few days."  Everest nodded.  I clicked the button, the screen went black and the clip was in my hand again.  I put the clip back in my hair, underneath where it wouldn't be seen.  Jess had opened the door already.  Kayla was there.  

She loooked normal enough, that wasn't a good sign.  "Sly just finished setting up a meeting.  He wants you to get Storm," She paused to looked at me.  " a new outfit.  Something that looks like she's one of us... not that she's not.  Just so people don't freak out.  There's already been rumors about why she was there.."  Her voice trailed off. I tilted my head slightly before I realized what she meant.  

"They think it was planned."  I said.  It wasn't a question.  Kayla nodded.  Someone posted a video, it's photoshopped to make it look like you were talking to the thief before the robbery.  Anyone can tell it's fake, but a lot of people are believing it.  They think that the real video, the one that was on the news, was fake.  They think you didn't throw the manhole cover."  Her voice was broken.

 I could tell Kayla didn't like rumors being spread.  Kayla left the room in silence.  Jess left too, after to few minutes.  "I'll be back.  I'm just going to start a design for an outfit for you to wear."  She seemed distracted.  I nodded, too lost in my own thoughts to reply.  I was thinking about how Everest acted like she was leaving something out.  I doubted she fell down stairs, Red would've killed anyone who touched her.

 Everest hadn't told me something, maybe I was just being paranoid.  Maybe she wasn't alone.  She might have been trying to tell me something.  I thought.  Hello?  A voice said.  It was slightly blurred.  Hi?  I said back.  You can hear me!  They thought.  Their thoughts were loud.  I jumped in surprise.  Yes, would you not scream?  There was a pause.  

Sorry, I got excited.  You're the only person who's answered back.  The voice was obviously a girls.  Ok, well.  I'm not sure how you got a mind link device... I'm getting off track, my name's Storm.  What about you?  I thought back.  There was a pause, a feeeling of uncomfortableness passed through me.  You don't have to tell me if your too uncomfortable.  I said back, trying to give off a sense of a calming aura.  

There was a shocked aura in response.  How'd you do that?  The girl said.  What?  I thought back.  Calm me down.  I was freaking out, when you spoke, er.. thought, back to me, I calmed down.  I wasn't thinking about calming down.  The thoughts are rushed, like she was running.  ... I'm not sure I know what you mean.  Are you running?  I asked.  I didn't want to pry her.

 Yes... how did you know?  Her thoughts were laced with something I didn't recognize.  It felt like a kind of power, it seemed familiar.  I closed my eyes.  I could see a wolf running.  She was black and small green patches of fur, her eyes were a dark green.

 The wolf was about the size of a near full grown one.  You're a wolf?  I thought to myself surprised.  The wolf in my vision stopped, it looked around.  How are you doing that?!  The voice screamed.  I-I don't know.  I'm just seeing a black and green adolescent wolf, it was running but now it's just standing there looking around.  The wolf jumped slightly.  You can see me?  But I'm the only one around for miles..  The thoughts trailed off.  I opened my eyes, shivering slightly.  

I wasn't in the night-sky room anymore.  I was in a snowy forest.  It looked like the one from the vision.  I closed my eyes again and held onto my charm, I pictured my artic fox form.  I opened my eyes to see a shadow in front of me.  I yelped, when I did, the shadow disappeared.  What was that?  The voice thought.  What did you hear?  I thought back.  

A yelp... like something got hurt.  I've decided... my name is Skylar.  But I like to be called Sky for short.  I nodded, looking around.  Something was coming, I could hear the footsteps falling in the trees.  The snow was coming at a weird angle because of the wind.  I could feel the cold but it didn't touch me as much.  Ok, Sky.  I was wondering.. do you happen to be in a forest.. in the middle of a snow storm?  I said slowly.  ... actually... yes... how can you know that?  Skylar sounded surprised.  I'll try to explain, but just in case.  Don't attack if you see a artic fox pup ok?  I waited.

 Ok... weird request... but sure  Skylar had agreed.  I started to run, more or less leap since the snow was almost taller than me, to wards the approaching footsteps.  I stopped jumping when I heard them pause.  I relied on the scent of pine, even thought the trees were fir, to guide me.  The was a snuffling sound, like an animal sniffing in the snow.  I walked forward.  I ended up walking right into who I hoped was Skylar.  

You were right.. I just found a artic fox pup.  Sky thought.  I sat down.  Yea, I know.  This is me Skylar.  I barked slightly.  Skylar took a step back.  "How'd you get here?"  She said.  Her voice was sore, like she hadn't spoken much.  I shrugged.  "Not sure, one moment I was in a room.  The next I'm here."  I said back calmly.

 Skylar nodded.  "I'll show you where we can sleep for the night.  I was trying to find the village near here... but I passed a cave a while back."  Sky turned around.  She casts a glance behind her, like she was worried I would attack.  I let her walk awhile away to help her trust me.

(Discontinued) The multi-hybridOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora