Chapter 37

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Storm’s POV

I jumped down from the tree, shaking the leaves.  Shelby, Red and Everest quickly got ready for an attack.  Wow, they really were serious about always being ready in case something attacked their family.  Shelby had her arctic fox ears and tail out, I could already see her getting ready to summon an ice spear.  Everest had her galaxy ears, tail and wings out while Red had his dragon wings out. I walked out slowly. “A nature fox?  Where’s the water wolf?” Shelby asked when they all saw me. I huffed, sitting down. I changed from my water form, back to my nature form.

They all just stood there, clearly, confused and shocked.  I sighed. I haven’t been gone that long, have I? “Wait…” Naomi started.  How is it possible the youngest person out of all of them got it first? “Storm?”  Naomi asked. Everest looked at Shelby and Red. They didn’t know if it was me or not yet.  Guess I’ll have to show them a form they’ll know right away.

I changed into my normal wolf pup: letting my necklace, hair clip and headphones become visible again.  “Storm!” Naomi said, turning into her red and blue wolf pup form to tackle me. “Yeah, it’s me.” I said, pushing her off.  Huh, that was a lot easier than it used to be. I could tell Naomi has grown a lot more, but it was even easier to push her off of me than the last time I had seen her.  “Why didn’t you just say something before? We thought you were an agent from Skymedia or something.” Everest sighed, relieved. I shrugged. “It’s kind of fun watching people’s reactions.  I was the one worried when I got caught in your net.” I replied, letting a small laugh out.

A large fireball disrupted the air, setting a huge area ablaze.  Shelby yelped and ducked for cover. I quickly turned into my half-human fire-fox form, my wings coming back, and put the fire out.  Only one person could have done that: Max. I’d forgotten to tell them in the mindlink that everything was okay.

Guys, wait!  It’s okay! It’s Everest, Shelby, Red and Naomi!  I thought quickly.  I only got static in reply.  There must have been a magnetic field coming from one of Jin’s machines that was blocking my clip from connecting to the whole mindlink.  “What’s going on Storm?” Everest asked.

Wait, they saw my wings.  Oops. “I’ll explain that part later.  The guys were coming because Ross and I thought I was in trouble when I got tangled in your guy’s net.  Ross went to get help. My clip isn’t connecting to the mindlink so I can’t tell them everything is okay before they get here.  We’ll have to stop them from hurting anyone and explain.” I replied quickly.

Everest nodded. She took Naomi into one of the tents.  “Shelby, can you see if you can make it snow? Even a little bit will be helpful. Ross and Max won’t be affected by it, but Sky and Jin will be.  They’ll have to slow down the attack to warm up. I can take care of Max with my fire fox and arctic wolf forms.” I told Shelby.

Red, making sure everything flammable was hidden, spoke.  “I can help with Maxi.” He said, I shook my head, changing into my half human form.  I let my wings open, even if they weren’t that big. Wait, Maxi? “I can take care of Max.  You and Everest should make sure Adam or Barney aren’t going to come at us from behind. I don’t want Naomi getting hurt or scared.”  I said carefully.

“I’m with Storm.” Everest said from behind me. So she heard me. I took a breath. Max had launched another fireball, and the same size as his first one.  But it was more heated than the first one, a lot more powerful. I stopped the fireball in the air, moving my hands away from each other to put the fire out.

Phew.  I hope there aren’t too many more of those.  I might be able to stop them, but Max definitely had more stamina than I did and could launch them faster and longer than I could stop them and put them out.  I didn’t want to end up passing out like that other time helping Jacob, Jess has told me it was because I used too much of my energy.

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