Chapter 17

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"HEY!" I screamed back. "You two better stop arguing before I come over there and strike both of you with enough lighting that just touching my hover board will charge it. Ok?" There was a murmured 'ok' from both of them. "Good. Now why exactly were you two with this girl and why were you taking her to the Sky army base?" I said.

"Her parents were under attack by the Sky media. They wanted us to send her to another dimension. When we came to get her, we let her say good bye. When we were waiting on the other side of the portal, it freaked out and disappeared. Her beacon was still working and Jin tracked her to somewhere near there." Sky said. Jin took the phone again.

"She's a multi-hybrid Jess.  One of the last one of her kind that has a lot of forms. We couldn't save her parents and I promised her mother that we would train their daughter. Since the gene always shows up in the next generation, we would keep her safe until she found someone. Then we would try to keep any others who came after save too until we were positive that they'd be able to stay at safe numbers." Jin said, in full report mode.

I could see Ross and Barney in the background.  I sighed.  "Sly found her just as she came from a portal.  He and Kayla brought her here.  She went over to one of the pillars.  It lit up.  The flame switched from black to blue.  It ended up exploding.  When the smoke cleared, she was in a bubble shield make of clouds.  When the bubble popped, she collapsed.  When Castor and I checked her, her forehead was burning hot.  So much that we couldn't touch it.  None of us are sure why the pillar lit up.  The last time it was lit, there was a heroin named Storm.  She had the ability to control the weather, to a certain degree, and the wind.  I think that she's a descendant.  Also since her name is Storm also...I think she should stay here, just until she wakes up and Castor gives the all clear.  I think she was meant to come here."  I said that last part slowly.

 "What?"  Sky said.  "How could someone be meant to do things in different parts of the world?"  Jin said.  Now it as my turn to be confused.  "What do you mean?"  I heard a computer keys.  "Before one of our other leaders resigned, they spoke of a hybrid being their replacement.  That, that hybrid would be a girl and would be extremely powerful.  This was after we sent Storm to a different dimension.  By the time we had caught up with that leader again, they were killed.  So we think that Storm is who they spoke of."  Jin finished.

 "But her necklace matched the carving in the pillar that lit up!"  I screamed slightly.  "Well, you had the same problem.  You made a choice.  Even though both sides needed you, you kept a cool head and tried to live both lives.  Even though we don't need you here anymore, your needed over there.  Storm might have to make the same choice."  Sky said sighing.

 "She's like eleven."  I reminded them.  The screen shut off and the pin was back.  I flew back down to see that everyone had left.  I changed out of my suit and put on my normal clothes.  There was a crash from upstairs.  I grabbed Mjolnir and prepared for anything.  I opened each of the room doors, I didn't find anyone else.  

I went to the last room.  It was the room I put Storm in.  I pushed the door open fast and started to gather lightning in my hand.  I heard a yelp.  I scanned the room to see a small wolf pup half hidden under the bed.  It was black with a white diamond on its forehead.  I could just about see the charm.  I sighed, letting the lightning dissipate.

Back to Storm

I could barely move.  Something lifted my head up.  I felt a hand touch my forehead, only to pull away.  I could feel the heat burning through me.  I could feel the darkness trying to swallow me again.  I forced my eyes to open.  I looked around slowly.  I was in a room.  It was black with white stars and light grey clouds.  I sat up.  The bed was comfortable.

 I got off the bed, causing the desk to fall over and the lamp to crash to the floor with a loud noise.  I flinched and got off the other side of the bed.  That was when the door flew open.  I yelped and turned into my wolf pup form.  I hide part way under the bed.  I saw Jess walk in slowly.  

There was lightning in her hand.  Her other hand held her hammer.  Jess's eyes found me, the lightning going away.  I walked out slowly.  I went back into my half human form.  Jess smiled.  "How would you feel about going into town with me?"  She said. 

I nodded, really wanting to be out in the open.  Jess took me to the door, and told me to put my ears and tail away.  Turns out nobody in this area belived in hybrids.  I hid them and followed Jess around.  This place was way bigger than I had first thought.  Just as we were starting to head back, someone ran into me. 

They had a mask and I saw a gun in their hand.  They turned and ran.  "Hey, someone stop that theif!"  Someone shouted.  I looked around, Jess was gone.  I put the hood up on the black jacket Jess had given me and let my ears and tail come out.  I followed the mans scent to a very old looking house.  When he saw me, the man pointed his gun at me. 

"Get back, I will shoot you."  He said in a terrified voice.  "No you won't."  I said, hiding my real voice.  The man clicked the gun.  "Why don't you give me what you stole and turn yourself in?"  I said in the same voice.  As I spoke, I edged my way closer to a piece of scrap metal. 

(Discontinued) The multi-hybridحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن