Chapter 36

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Storm's POV

I followed Ross, at least until we had to stop to take a breather. I could tell we had already gone pretty far from the others. "It's not much farther." Ross assured me. We walked about another half a mile. The bushes upended up to show a beautiful lake. The water was a pristine blue, there was no pollution to ruin it. "It's amazing." I said gratefully.

A dock was built to go a few yards over the lake. Ross and I walked over to the edge. I half smiled. "Race ya to the other end and back." I said, Ross just smiled: with his front teeth showing. "You're on!" He said, diving in. I waited for a moment before jumping in myself. I saw Ross's narwhal form swimming a few yards.

Ross turned, seeing my wolf pup form sinking a few feet. He turned back, probably trying to stop me from drowning. I half smiled, turning into my water wolf form quickly and using a burst of water to push my forward and past Ross.

His look said it all. No fair! Ross complained in the mind link. Right, my hair clip stayed on whenever I changed forms. Good thing the headphones Jess made me are water-proof, or else they would definitely be broken by now. The edge of the lake came soon enough. Something broke the water's surface. It was some kind of netting, and I couldn't break it to get out!

It must have been made to prevent hybrids from breaking out of it. Ross swam up after a few more seconds. He saw the danger right away. I'm going to get help. Stay calm Storm, and don't let anyone see your other forms. Make them think you're just an elementalist water wolf. He thought. I nodded.

Ross swam off to get help. The net just sunk to the bottom of the lake, catching a small amount of fish underneath it's weight. I noticed one fish didn't look quite right. Most of the other fish were blue and aquamarine. This fish was blue and black.

The fish disappeared, a young boy in its place. He had a fishtail, the same tail that fish had. The boy was a hybrid. I yipped softly, making the boy look at me. He must have been shocked to see me, because I heard him half scream. I couldn't talk underwater.

I could just breath, only really able to make small sounds too. The boy swam over as the net was being pulled up. He lifted the net up with his hands, which had webbed fins between them, just enough I should have been able to swim out. I was busy looking at the boy, but didn't notice I was tangled in the net. The boy grabbed the net, trying to untangle me.

The net was starting to come out of the water now. We were too close to the surface. The boy still had his gills, he wouldn't survive out of the water with them.

My front paws were still free. I moved them in front of me, making a wave push the boy down and away from the net. The net that I was tangled in broke the surface a few seconds later. My necklace, nobody could be allowed to see it. I focused on making it invisible so that nobody would see it, unless that person wasn't affected by spells or I let them see it.

The boy half opened his mouth, making a low whine-like sound before I got out of the water completely. Wait, only fox or wolf hybrids could make a whine like that. Was that boy a hybrid like Ross was? I made sure to hide my hair clip and headphones from sight as well. "Hold on. Something got caught in the net." A voice said.

I looked around. There were four people in hoods around the net. One person had a red hood, one a dark blue, one a purple and the other had a lighter blue. "It's a water wolf." A different voice said. I noticed one person was smaller than the other three.

The person closest to the net, lifted it up off of me. Another person bent down to untangle my hind legs. As soon as I could, I got away from the net and the four people in hoods. The one that freed me from the net started coming closer. I half growled as they got too close.

"Easy girl. We're not going to hurt you." They said, Wait... that was a girl's voice. Now that I was thinking about it, only one person was a guy. It was the person who lifted the net so this girl could get me out. "Mom, she's scared." The youngest girl said.

She reminded me of Naomi for some reason. "I can tell Naomi. But she still might try attacking." The other girl replied. Naomi? No way was this them. Could it really be?

One way to find out. I looked around. I could see two tents. I looked at the four people for a moment before quickly sprinting over to the tents. A small fireball barely skimmed over my ears. "Careful! I don't think she wants to hurt anyone either." The other girl said. I turned, quickly shooting a burst of water at the guy.

His hands were open and smoking. He had to be the one who threw that fireball at me. I took a breath, focusing on not wetting anything, going into one of the tents. "So you're just going to let a water wolf pup go into the tents and soak everything?" The guy said. I could hear them all coming closer.

I had to find them quickly. If I couldn't find those flowers I gave Everest and Naomi before leaving, I could change into my shadow wolf pup and get away as quickly as I could. Three sleeping bags were laid out. One red, one blue and one purple. I walked over to the purple sleeping bag, poking my head under the cover.

Nothing... Wait, what's that? I can feel something under here. I pulled it out carefully. "What's she doing?" The third girl center. I pulled the object out all the way. It was a flower with an artificial ruby in the middle. "My flower!" The youngest girl half whined. I look at the group.

Their hoods were down now. I put the flower on the purple pillow carefully. "Huh, she didn't do anything to the flower." The first girl said. It really was them. Everest, Shelby, Red and Naomi! I'd found them again. I took a step back from the sleeping bags and yipped softly once lifting my left front paw up just a little bit.

Naomi took a step forward. Everest stopped her. "Naomi, be careful. We don't know what she's doing." She warned. Red, like the last time I saw him, looked mad at me. Shelby looked like she knew it was me, but wasn't sure about it. I sat down, shooting a thin stream of water at Red to cool him down a bit.

Naomi stifled a laugh. Hmm. I didn't really want to change forms to show them who I was. Maybe I could do something to get them to think. Wait, I know. I stood up and ran past everyone. "What now?" Red asked. He was clearly fed up with me already.

Just wait Red, you'll see. I changed into my nature fox form before they could see me, climbed a tree and waited for them. Everest, and Naomi were the first to see I wasn't in sight. Good thing I could blend in with the dark leaves. I looked at a spot in front of Naomi and focused on it. A small bud sprouted from the grass slowly. As planned, Naomi noticed it.

"Hey look, something's growing here." She said, sitting by the bud. Red, Shelby and Everest looked concerned, but I could also see they didn't want Naomi to get scared.

I quickly changed the flower's inside petals to a color that they should recognize. I grew the flower until it was just below Naomi's height when she was standing. Naomi backed away and stood up. "Cool." Naomi said cheerfully. Now was the fun part.

I made the flower bloom slowly, so they would see the black petals little by little. "Black? Flowers aren't supposed to grow black. This isn't natural." Shelby said softly to Everest. Everest nodded. "I know, but it feels familiar." She replied. Now the flower was opened all the way. Naomi jumped up and down. Her ears and tail were out now, she had her ears up all the way.

"It's like what Storm used to do when we played in the field mom." She said to Everest. Come on, just realize it already guys! "I know Naomi. But Storm can't be here, she's supposed to be with Sky and the others." Everest said, walking to the flower. Ugh, I'll just have to show them won't I?

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