Chapter 18

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The man shot the gun.  I grabbed the metal and threw it at him.  It stopped the bullet and knocked him out cold.  Luckily it was just a trash can lid.  I grabbed the gun and clicked something that locked the trigger.  I found a rope and tried to man up.  He had dropped the bag, I picked it up and looked inside.  There was a bunch of necklaces and bracelets.  

They all looked very expensive.  I made sure the knots were tight and then went back to where the man had run from.  The jewelry store was easy to find, it had a broken window.  I pushed the door open and went to the counter.  I rung the bell and waited.  I nice looking lady came to the counter.  "Hello?"  She said.  I huffed, if I let my ears out they would reach over the counter.  I wasn't going to put my hood down and I cleared my throat.

 "Oh, hello.  Are you here to pick something up or drop something off?"  Her tone suggested that she hoped it was the second one.  Instead of answering, I pushed the bag forwards.  The lady glared at me for a few seconds but, eventually, picked the bag up.  I turned and started to walk out the door.  "Who are you?"  She said to my back.

 I turned my head, making sure the hood didn't fall, and said "That's for me to know, and you to find you."  I walked out the door.  The line I had gotten from a movie I'd watched with Everest.  I ran to the alley to find Jess there.  She had her armor on, Jess turned.  "Where were you?"  She said.

 "What happened?"  Her voice was strained.  I held up the gun, handle towards her.  Jess took it, and found it unarmed.  "You stopped him?"  She asked.  I nodded slowly.  Sirens came closer, about six men in blue uniforms came into the ally.  I assumed they were this cities cops.

 The man closest looked shocked.  Jess moved so that she stood infront of me.  "I think you'll find that the thief has been detained and the jewels safely returned.  I'll just let you take it from here, Chief."  Jess's voice became smooth.  The lady from behind the counter came running over, she pointed to me.  "That little girl came into my store and returned everything that was stolen.  Not even one necklqce nor bead was missing."  Her voice was confident.  

The closest officer, the Chief Jess had said, looked confused.  "I'm sure the news casters would love and interview with the day's heroine."  He said.  Jess shook her head.  "I'm sure the press can come up with a good picture with just the eyewitness accounts."  She said.  Jess grabbed my hand behind her back.  She lifted her hammer and brought it back to the ground.  We ended up in the stary-night room.

 "What were you thinking?!  You could've gotten hurt or worse!"  Jess screamed at me.  I nodded.  There was no point in arguing.  Jess turned and left the room.  I sat on the bed.  There was one song that I often sang to myself.  I knew the title was "Warrior" but I didn't know who it was by.  "Warrior by Beth Crowley"  I found something that looked like I could search the song up.

 It took a few minutes to find the right song.  I closed my eyes as the music started.

You fascinated me
Cloaked in shadows and secrecy
The beauty of a broken angel

I ventured carefully
Afraid of what you thought I'd be
But pretty soon I was entangled

You take me by the hand
I question who I am

Teach me how to fight
I'll show you how to win
You're my mortal flaw
And I'm your fatal sin
Let me feel the sting
The pain
The burn
Under my skin

Put me to the test
I'll prove that I'm strong
Won't let myself believe
That what we feel is wrong
I finally see what
You knew was inside me
All along

That behind this soft exterior
Lies a warrior

My memory refused
To separate the lies from truth
And search the past
My mind created

I kept on pushing through
Standing resolute which you
In equal measure
Loved and hated

You take me by the hand
I'm seeing who I am

Teach me how to fight
I'll show you how to win
You're my mortal flaw
And I'm your fatal sin
Let me feel the sting
The pain
The burn
Under my skin

Put me to the test
I'll prove that I'm strong
Won't let myself believe
That what we feel is wrong
I finally see what
You knew was inside me
All along

That behind this soft exterior
Lies a warrior

Lies a warrior

You take me by the hand
I'm sure of who I am

Teach me how to fight
I'll show you how to win
You're my mortal flaw
And I'm your fatal sin
Let me feel the sting
The pain
The burn
Under my skin

Put me to the test
I'll prove that I'm strong
Won't let myself believe
That what we feel is wrong
I finally see what
You knew was inside me
All along

That behind this soft exterior
Lies a warrior

The pictures come to life
Wake in the dead of night
Open my eyes
I must be dreaming

Clutch my pillow tight
Brace myself for the fight
I've heard that seeing
Is believing

As the music ended, I became aware that I was no longer alone in the room.  Jess was standing in the doorway, her hand to her mouth.  She had been there longer than a few seconds.  I looked at the floor, embarrassed.  I had never sung in front of anybody, I hated it.  What would happen if they didn't like the way I sung?  

Jess didn't look like she was mad.  She had tears in her eyes.  Why was she crying?  Jess walked, slowly, over to me.  Before she could even say anything, something rang.  She took the phone out of here pocket.  "Hello?  Katz?  Why are you calling from Sly's phone?"  She looked at me.  Jess walked out of the room, I followed her.  "Ok, I'm turning on the Tv.  Yea, yea.  I'll call back later."  She turned the volume up.

 "... a jewely store robbery was stopped by a little girl.  Someone managed to shoot a video.  As you can see, the shot shows the thief, who has not been identified, ran into an abandoned ally next to a warehouse.  This little girl ran after him.  From the video you can clearly see that her face is completely hidden.  The robber shoots the firearm but the girl moves and launches what looks like a lid of some kind.  We believe it stopped the bullet, and then continued to hit the man in the head.  The girl then proceeded to pick up the bag and returned the bag to the stores owner."  The view stitched to the video.  There was no sound.  

After it ended, the lady from the store was on the screen.  "I heard the bell ring.  This maybe nine year old girl was standing there.  She could barley stand above the counter.  I asked why she was here, hoping that she wasn't here to pick anything up.  She didn't say anything, just pushed the bag toward me.  Everything that had been stolen was there.  Not even fifteen minutes had passed.  When I asked who she was, she said "That's for me to know, and you to find out."  After that she walked out.  I followed her to where the police was.  Lady Thor was there, she said that I could give a description.  Then she used her lightening and teleported her and the girl away.  I never got to thank her."

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