Chapter 23

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Recap: The next thing I knew, I was in a log house, chained to the wall.

Present: The man jumped down infront of me.  I tried to back away but I couldn't move because of the chain.  "Better luck next time mutt."  He said in a growl-like, for a human, voice.  I heard other sounds.  "AW SHUT UP."  The man yelled.  The sounds died off quickly.  I could smell a very canine presence.  

This wasn't a hybrid thing, it was a kennel/ pound for actual dogs.  I realized that I was in my normal, non-winged, wolf pup form.  I tried to change to my half human form but couldn't.  "Don't think 'bout trying to switch forms, you won't be able to."  The man said tauntingly.  I could smell something else in the air now, it was Wolf's bane, I was sure of it.  

Wolf's bane was a man-made chemical that was used to prevent hybrid from changing forms.  I growled at the man.  He kicked my side in response.  The boots were steel-toes.  I'd been away from Sky and the others for maybe two weeks, and I was already in huge trouble.  With a hybrid abuser on top of it for that fact.  The man left and I heard new voices.  

"Well, here you are kido.  Take your pick.  It's your birthday.  Think of it as my gift to you."  The voice was another mans.  There was a small sequel.  "I want to see ALL the dogs mister."  A younger, louder, voice sort of demanded.  There was a groan.  The door to the space, a cage was smaller, opened.  The chain was unlocked.  I stood up and walked out slowly, keeping alert.  I saw the source of the squeal right away.

 A little girl, maybe around six or seven, was surrounded by the others dogs.  A lot of them were puppies.  Instead of watching the other puppies, her blue eyes were watching me intently.  "What about that one?"  She said, pointing to me.  The man, who was obviously her father, nodded.  "So, how much for that one, Mister Scrooge?"  He said to the hunter.  The man, no matter how cruel he was, he was a man, huffed.

 "I'm afraid that ones not for sale.  I just picked her up off the streets and she's still pretty feral, I'm 'fraid.  Put up quite a fight, that one."  His voice was a rumble.  I looked away, hoping the girl wasn't looking at me anymore.  I heard one of them walking towards me.  Small hands picked me up, it was the girl.  Her eyes were unreadable.

 "She's not feral.  Just scared."  She said.  I tried to get out of her hands but failed.  Her grip was surprisingly strong.  "Don't worry, I'll get you out of here."  She whispered so low that I couldn't imagine anyone being able to hear her.  I stopped moving, looking at her confused now.  

"Huh.  Seems like my daughters cleared it.  What ya say?  Fifty dollars?"  There was a mumble but I couldn't make out the answer.  The girl turned her head, when she looked back.  A smile had lit up her face.  Before I knew it, I was in a carrier and being taken who knows where.  Luckily, they didn't take off my necklace.  They must have token it to be a collar.

 Before whoever was carrying the carrier left, the man gave them something saying "If you should have any problems, give her a little shot of this.  It'll keep her calm, too much will knock her out for a while so be careful."  it seemed like forever that I'd been in th carrier, I couldn't even see out of it.  There was a tarp covering the door and making it almost completely dark inside.  

When the tarp was finally removed, it looked like I was now in a house.  The door of the carrier opened slowly.  "It's ok.  Come on out."  A voice said.  There were whispers.  I could scent... ginger and cotton?  I walked slowly out of the carrier.  There was a squeal.  I ducked down and backed back into the carrier.  There was a slap sort of sound, followed by a "HEY!"  There was a small growling sound.

"Don't do that, Sam.  She's been through a rough time."  There was a small whine.  The scent of cotton came closer.  I took a few steps out of the carrier.  There were four people.  Two were adults and the other two were kids.  One was the little girl, the other looked like a teenager.  The teen bent down.  I heard something sniffing.  I realized that all of them had wolf ears and tails.  They were all hybrids.  

"That man gave you wolfs bane, dad.  It looks like he already gave her some.  I can still smell it."  He said.  The teen had blonde wolf ears and tail.  The mom matched him.  The dad and the little girl both had blue wolf ears and tails.  A thunderous sound came from the other side of a wall.  A really small child child came down.  Her ears and tail were purple.  

She stopped when she saw me.  There was another high-pitched spread.  I blacked up a few steps.  What was with this house and the squealing?  The mom groaned.  "No, Titi you were supposed to stay in your room."  She said turning to pick up the kid.  I tried to look around.  The teen half smiled.  A small yellow/gold light shined.  In the teens place was a blonde colored wolf.

"Hi, my na8mes Sam.  But my family calls me Sammy."  He said.  I didn't answer at first.  My first instinct was to play coy and not answer, but that would've been rude.  This was considering the fact that none of them and actually done anything.  "My name's Storm."  I said slowly.  Something felt off, not completely wrong, just off about this.  Like something was going to happen.  

Sam nodded.  "Nice to know you can speak.  My sister is Jady.  My dad is Steven.  My mom is Sarah.  The toddler is Tiana but we call her Titi."  The tone was calm but something still felt off.  I nodded.  Another light showed.  Sam had changed back to his human form.  I looked around some more.  It looked like the first floor to a two floored house.  I still couldn't find the source of the ginger and cotton smell.  

I ended up outside.  I could hear one of them following me.  When I looked, it was Sam.  He looked like he was hoping I wasn't going to run off.  The ground was covered in a thin layer of snow.   

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