Chapter 39

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Storm’s POV

Sky nodded.  “Well, that it’s a good thing you stopped us.  Jin was going to test out a new invention.” He said.  Great, so if I hadn’t gotten through to them: Jin would have used something that might have killed Everest and her family.  “Next time: use your Aura-sensitive field to check first Jin. Hybrids don’t attack other hybrids without provocation.” I said.  Jin nodded. Ugh, why did these guys always insist in some form of violence to solve things?

Both Jin and Sky took out a coat from somewhere.  I pushed my arms out. Maybe I could find a way to heat up the area, or at least melt the snow.  Max could keep his flames up, because his body made the flames. If I tried to do that same with my fire-fox form, I would end up going out.  I didn’t create my own flames, I just used the oxygen around me to fuel them and make the flames bigger. “We’ve got to get back to the camp so I can tell Shelby to cut the blizzard.”  I said. Ross seemed surprised. “Shelby’s doing this?” He asked. Right, I forgot they liked each other. “Yeah, her and everyone else must have been practicing and getting stronger.”  I said.

Jin put down his magnetic field, replacing it with a heated one instead.  The snow was really messing with my vision, the wind was reacting to the temperature change and going crazy.  If I used my air fox form, I might be able to settle the wind: at least for a little. But then I would be more susceptible to the cold.  Shelby couldn’t be controlling this any more, it was too erratic. She must have lost control, and the blizzard got too big for her to bring down on her own.

“We should find a place for the night.  Until the blizzard calms down.” Sky said.  Oh, I didn’t realize the guys had stopped. “Shelby can’t be controlling this anymore.  She must have used her energy. The storm must have gotten too big for it to just dissipate without her energy.”  I explained. Ross turned back into his squirrel form. I sighed, looking around. “There’s a mountain nearby, I can make a shelter for you guys while Ross and I look for the others.”  I said. Max directed his fire towards the mountain. He did melt the rock slightly, but I know if he tried making a cave like that: he would be the only one still alive.

I walked over and waited for everyone to be close enough.  “Max, keep the air warm like this until I get these ears and tail back.  The form I’m going to use is at even more of a disadvantage then Jin and Sky.”  I said. Max nodded. Huh, no snarky comment? That’s a first. I shook my head.  “Wait, what do you mean disadvantage?” Sky asked. Right, they won’t be able to remember all of my forms.  “I have a form that lets me grow plants and manipulate the rock. I haven’t used it for the second use a lot, so I need Max to keep the area warm enough that I don’t freeze up.”  I half explained. I closed my eyes and changed into my nature fox.

I felt the cold right away.  Good thing Max was keeping this area a lot more warm than the rest of the air.  It was always easier to use my full ability when I was in the actual animal form rather than half-and-half.  I walked over to the mountain, putting my from the paws up on it. Now all I had to do was think about how wide and how far back the cave had to be.  I wasn’t sure how wide the mountain was, so I had to do this little by little. After a few attempts, I had made a cave that was a good enough size for a group about three times the size of this one.  I made it deeper than the mountain went, so Max could make torches and the wind wouldn’t blow directly onto the fire and put it out.

I changed back into my half human form with my arctic wolf ears and tail.  “Okay. Max you already know how to keep the cave warm. Ross, you and I should start heading towards where Everest and the others are.”  I said. Ross, still in his squirrel form for some reason, scampered over to get next to me. I changed into my wolf form and let Ross climb on my back.  He might get lost in the snow if I wasn’t able to keep track of him.

(Discontinued) The multi-hybridTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon