Chapter 14

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I realized that I was still crying.  I wiped the tears as Everest and Naomi came to give me a hug.  "What happened to you?"  Everest said.  I really was crying now.  The picture of the explosion came up again.  I let the tears fall.

 Everest thanked Hyria and opened a portal back to her house.  I wiped the tears away hopeing nobody would ask.  I was wrong.  Sky, Ross, Jin, Red, Shelby and even Max were outside waiting.  I waited for the questions but none came.  Instead everyone was silent until we were back on the couch and then the questions came.  

"What happened?  One second you were standing right in front of us and the next, you were gone and there was a burn mark on the floor where you were standing!"  Sky said.  I watched him carefully.  His Z necklace charm seemed normal.  "You complained about us giving you weird looks and now look who's doing it."  Jin said half under his breath.

 I took a shakey breath.  I turned around and went upstairs.  Everest scolded Jin.  I could heard Naomi coming up the stairs.  She came into the room silently and sat next to me.  Naomi wrapped her arm around me.  She waited until I stopped crying.  Naomi was treating me like her younger sister, she was acting like she was my older sister.

 I felt Naomi run her hand through my hair.  I heard someone else come into the room.  I wanted to just close the door.  I heard someone clear their throat.  I turned my head, which was against Naomi's shoulder, to see Sky and Jin standing there.

 Naomi stood up, she pointed at the door.  I couldn't hear what she was saying.  All I could hear were the voices of the two people when they were talking to Sky and Jin.  "Her appearance may change, and you may not be able to find her."  The whistling slowly started to fade away.

 ", you don't know what she's been through.  I don't care what you have to say.  It's her choice if Storm wants to talk to you or not."  Naomi said.  Naomi turned to me.  She was obviously expecting an answer.  I nodded.  Naomi gave the two a meaning glare and walked out of the room.  Jin and Sky waited for a few seconds.

 "Storm."  Sky said.  I turned and watched them.  "What did you remember?"  Sky said, slowly.  Somehow I knew that they knew what the glowing charms meant.  I took a shakey breath.  "I remember a castle.  You two were there, talking to a man and a woman.  They had an infant.  You were talking about how someone's appearance may change.  There was an attack, and an explosion.  I remember the portal.  It was cold and dark.  I remember the potion given to me to make me forget everything."  I said.

 Jin and Sky looked at each other, shocked.  "That explains the glowing charms."  They saw my questioning look.  "Before you were sent into the portal, we enchanted your necklace charm.  We made it so that at a certain time, it would give off a becon.  We would find you and see if the potion wore off.  But the signal cut off and then came back weeks later.  That's why we came here rushed.  Jin and I thought the enchant was wearing off, even though it's not susposed to, and wanted to come and check it out.  Apparently my charm undid the potions effect for us.  We didn't know that your parents had put your forms into the charm, this may have caused the spasms Everest was telling us about."  Sky said.  

I nodded.  For some reason this made sense.  I could tell they were telling the truth.  I laughed awkwardly.  "About that.  A few weeks ago, someone from the Skymedia took my necklace, that might be why the signal shut off."  The machine beeped again.  Jin took it back out of his pocket.  I took off my necklace and the beeping stopped.  I put it back on and the beeping went crazy again.  

The confusion on Sky's face was super funny.  Jin looked surprised.  Like he didn't expect for me to understand how the machine works.  "What?"  I said.  I tried to hold back a laugh.  "How did you figure out how this machine worked?"  Jin said.  I shrugged.  "I'm not sure but it sorry of just made sense.  You said the bacon?  Stopped a few weeks ago and then came back.  I lost my necklace until a day or two ago.  We had spent at least a week trying to get it back."  I saw their confused looks.  "We?"  Jin said.  

"Me, Bella, Everest and my best friends brother."  I said.  "Oh, and Bella's a hybrid that has a fennikin form."  I added.  They nodded cautiously.  "So now what are you going to do that you found me?"  I said to break the silence.  I made a guess that I wouldn't like their answer.  Jin took something out of his pocket and handed it to me.  It was a hair clip, it was the shape of a diamond.

 "What's this?"  I asked.  "This is something that you can use to communicate to us with."  I put the clip in my hair and waited.  "Ok, now what?"  I said.  Now we can talk no matter the distance.  Jin voice said I my head.  I jumped up and back.  "What the heck?"  I said.  "Relax, it's a mind link.  Now you can talk to us whenever."  Sky said.  I nodded.  Sky and Jin headed toward the door.

 I followed them slowly.  I sighed when I saw they were going down stairs.  I gripped the railing again, failing horribly.  I slipped and fell on top of Jin, who fell on top of Sky.  We tumbled down the stairs.  

Somehow I ended on the bottom.  "Got OFF!"  I said gasping for air at the same time.  Sky and Jin scrambled up.  I grabbed Jin's out stretched hand.  He pulled me up.  "How did that happen?"  Sky said.  I blushed slightly.  "Well, I tend to fall down... a lot."  I said.

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