Chapter 24

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Turned out, I had walked right onto a pool that was frozen over.  How I knew?  I fell right through the ice and into the cold water.  I closed my eyes and hoped that I could change into another form.  After a few seconds, I could breath under the water.  I thought about staying under the water just because it felt cool, but decided against it.  

I swam up and turned back into my wolf pup form.  Sam and his family looked shocked when they came out, with towels and a blow dryer.  They couldn't even move when they saw me away from the pool, and dry.  I rolled my eyes as the dad went to check the pool out.  He saw the hole and muttered

"But werewolves can't possibly swim that fast."  His voice was a whisper but I could hear it.  "I'm not a werewolf."  I said.  Before anyone could answer, a purple oval appeared under me.  I yelped as I fell through it.  I swiftly turned into my air form and just barely avoided hitting the ground.  "You brought the wrong hybrid.  You were supposed to bring Storm not an air element wolf."  A voice said.

 I opened my eyes to a shaky scene.  It looked like Jess but she looked very different.  Instead of the normal look I had gotten used to, she wore purple shorts and a lighter purple shirt.  "I was sure I'd pin-pointed her correctly."  Jess said.  I touched the ground and walked over to them.  I sat down and tilted my head.  I wanted to mess with them for a bit.  

I willed my eyes to appear to be the same shade of blue and for my necklace to become invisible.  Jess bent down.  "I've never been wrong when I teleport someone before."  She said, her voice was depressed.  I almost wanted to switch back to my half human form or wolf pup form.  I got up and put my paws against Jess's shoe.  "Well, looks like it's smart."  The other person said.

 I looked to see Sky standing there.  I yipped to him.  It was a loud sound.  He laughed once.  "Jess, maybe you should try again."  He said.  Jess nodded.  She closed her eyes and I saw Jess's forehead crease as she concentrated.  Another portal opened.  I created a air net for whoever fell through.  I heard a yelp and knew who it was right away.  I raised the net up so the impact wouldn't hurt so much.  

There was a 'oof' sound as she hit the net.  I lowered the net and placed the person on the ground.  Everest looked around.  She saw Jess and Sky.  She waved and stood up shakily.  "Oh, my Irene!  I'm so sorry Everest.  I was trying to bring Storm here.  I brought you here and a random wolf."  Her voice was surprised and sad at the same time.  Everest looked at me, I winked.  She understood and nodded slightly.

 "It's ok Jess.  I was thinking about Storm too."  She said, which might have been true.  I walked beside Everest as she walked, more like hobbled, over to where Jess and Sky were.  The white scene faded and revealed the place with the pillars.  Kayla was standing there, looking shocked.  I laughed slightly, earning weird looks from everyone but Everest.

 I'd already shown Everest each of my forms.  This was going to be fun.  I'd never gotten to prank someone before!  I snuck around the corner and found someone's room.  It was full of prank supplies!  I went into my half human form and replaced my white- blue ears and tail for the black ears and tail.  I picked up the air horn and went outside into the hall.  I blew the horn and ran back into the room.  I hid in the closet and waited for everyone to come in.  

Everest was the last one to come in.  "Did Daniel set up another air horn prank?"  Jess said.  I held back a laugh.  Everest was watching my out of the corner of the eye.  I opened the door slowly.  Everyone's heads watched as the closet door opened.  

"Storm!"  Jess said, hugging me.  "Where have you been?  How did you get here?"  I rolled my eyes and turned into the air wolf.  Both Jess's and Sky's eyes bugged out.  I changed back.

Ok ending this chapter here.  If you guys have any ideas feel free to comment them.  Till next time.

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