Chapter 11

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I nodded.  Turning around, I half ran back to where I had been hiding before.  I found Aaron easy enough, he had leaped down to meet me.  I quickly explained the plan to him.  The only thing Aaron had a problem with was the part when I was susposed to get all the men to chase me.  "If your doing that then I'm helping.  There's no way I'm letting my sisters best friend get captured by the Sky media."  Aaron growled at the end.  

I nodded once.  "Fine,"  I said.  "But you only need to help if I need it.  If they see you to early then soon of them might go back.  If that happens then Everest and Bella might get caught."  I whined slightly.  Aaron hesitated but he agreed.  I found my tree again and waited for Everest's cue.  At one point, I ended up falling asleep.  When I opened my eyes, I could see Everest and Bella talking to one of the men.  Everest quickly moved her hands and showed the signal.  I stood up, shook out my fur and jumped down.  I shook away the feeling that something was wrong.  I had to get this right so I could give Everest and Bella enough time.

 I snuck around the where Everest was and waited.  Everest turned slightly.  Her eyes met mine.  Everest turned her head and half pointed to one of the tents.  There were two guards outside of it.  That must have been where my necklace was. I nodded and snuck over to the tent.  I waited for Everest to give the signal again.  The sun was starting to go down.  Slowly, but surly, Everest and Bella we're making their way to the tent.  The guards stopped them when the two of them got too close.

 Everest gave the signal.  I nodded.  Taking a deep breath, I ran out and bit one of the guards boots.  They felt it and looked down.  I hadn't expected them to kick out, I flew a few feet away.  The other men saw me and came over.  I turned and ran.  Somehow my leg was hurting less.  I had to focus on getting these guys as far way from their camp as I could.  I tripped multiple times.  The forest was darkening.  

I heard the shouts of the men following me still.  There was a growl, Aaron had decided to step in.  I kept running, despite my bad luck for tripping over everything.  Some of the men were still on my tail. (:p)  

I kept going until I saw something land in front of me.  I skidded to a stop and tried to turn.  There was no way to go.  The thing that landed in front of me were iron bars.  I was trapped.  The men picked the cage up, I could heard their laughs.  One of them held a metal cylinder in his hand.  The cylinder touched the cage, as it made contact, I felt a electric current run through the cage.

 The metal magnified the current.  When it stopped, I fell to the floor of the cage.  I couldn't stand.  I let a small whine slip out.  I hoped Everest and Bella had gotten away by now.  I didn'thave enough strength to lift my head all the way when I saw Aaron in the trees.  I could see Aaron as he tried to jump down.  But he stopped when one of the men seemed like they were looking at him.  Soon the camp came back into view, if I could see straight enough to look around.

 I could hear words being spoken but I couldn't understand them.  Orange eyes started at me from the canopy.  Bella was watching.  A new voice came, muffled or not it was familiar.  Everest was still in the camp.   I didn't give them enough time.  I thought.  "...but she's my... You can't just... she was trying don't have...just let me..."  I could only hear some of the words.

 But they didn't make sense.  The cage shook.  I heard the door opening.  "Serves you right...don't you can't just...cruel people..."  The words still were not making sense.  Everything was blurred still, but I could see a lot of blue.  Something was tried around my neck.

 I could feel my strength coming back slowly.  I opened my eyes again, no blurs.  The cage was on the ground, but I wasn't in it anymore.  Instead, it felt like I was in someone's arms.  A hand patted my head.  I looked around to see that Everest was carrying me.  She wasn't smiling.  

Everest kept glancing over her shoulder.  Aaron, in his human form, appeared.  I could just about hear someone walking on the fallen leaves.  Bella must have following.  I lifted my head up.  Something wasn't right.  Something did not feel right at all.  Everyone seemed tense.  I couldn't see anything that was wrong, not that I could see all that far just yet.

 Things that were over twenty feet away were still slightly blurred.  I could hear fine.  My sense my smell was coming back just as slowly as my sight.  Even though I could smell decently, it was hard to actually find something else to actually smell.  All I could smell was something,  I hated smelling.  Whenever I smelled this, that meant someone was hurt.

 All I could smell was blood.  I looked around but couldn't see the source of the scent.  The next thing I saw was the purple oval, that meant Everest had created a portal.  I couldn't see what was in the other side but I guessed it was to Everest's house.  I felt the shiver as the group went through the portal.  Everytime it happened, not that I've gone through a portal many times, I felt a shiver run through me.  

Nothing  I could do could stop it but I wasn't quite sure what it meant.  Everest stopped.  Her expression was half relaxed and half worried.  She set me on the ground.  I stood easily enough.  I felt oddly lightheaded.  

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