Chapter 50

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Storm's POV

The symbol on the handle told me everything within seconds.  Jacob ran over.  “Are you okay?”  He asked, crouching next to where I was.  I whined, getting up.  “You can't be in here.  The buildings-”  I started, the building shaking.  Ein got up, throwing my dagger to the side.  “A human?  You needed a human to come help you?”  He accused, growling still.  I growled back in return, moving to stand in front of Jacob.  I moved my hand slowly, pulling a strap from my pocket and putting it around my palm.  I opened my hand slightly, drawing my dagger back to me.  Good thing I still had that magnet that worked on adamantium.  Not that Ein knew that.  He looked shocked for a moment before recovering.

It was incredibly hard to make, so I had to be careful to not lose it.  I tucked my dagger into my pocket and took the strap off to avoid dropping it.  Ein growled again.  I let my ears and tail change to my air fox ones.  I created a sphere, blowing everything away from Jacob and me.  “Go to the window, I'll lower you down.  You have to get away before the building comes down completely.”  I told him quickly.  Jacob did, though he looked worried.  “What about you?”  He asked.  Why was he worried about me?  “I've got to deal with Ein.  Don't worry about me.”  I assured him, already creating a platform outside the window.

Jacob stepped out, seeming scared before realizing there was a platform there.  I lowered him down as quickly as I could, keeping him safe.  That was… until the building finally collapsed.  I yelped, bringing the platform as far down as I could before I lost it.  I looked around again.  Everything was going in slow motion.  I let my fire fox ears and tail out, summoning my wings quickly.  I pushed my hand out, creating shields of fire.  The floor fell below us again.  I clenched my hand into a fist, keeping the shields up.

The heat of these shields would keep any metals from touching anyone within them.  Keeping two up was even harder than just one.  By now, Ein had noticed the shield I made around him.  “W-What?”  He muttered quietly.  I grunted, my ears folding down.  I kept my wings open as much as I could.  It would help keep the shields up enough that Sly or someone from The Few might see them.  I hadn't done this before, definitely not for this long.  The building kept pushing down against the shields.  “Why?”  Ein asked.  I huffed, my ears flicking.  “N-nobody deserves to d-die like t-this.”  I managed to say.  If I could do one thing without him noticing…

This was not good.  I couldn't even heal myself either, or we would be crushed by the metal above us.  I'd already lost a bit of blood thanks to however Jacob got himself hurt, my arm was aching too.  I grunted again.  Ein gasped after a moment.  I realized why.  My vision was tinted red.  My eyes had turned red.  So not good.  If I was already using enough energy my eyes were red, we didn't have too much time left until I was out.  I couldn't hold my wings up for much longer, let alone keep the shields too much higher than a few feet.  It felt like hours before the metal moved again.  It wasn't me moving it either.

A hammer rushed by, pushing a mound of metal up.  Most of it ended up falling back over the shields.  I whined, pushing them back up.  Even if it was only about a foot more.  My vision blurred, though I shook my head to try clearing it.  The red color had gotten deeper as time went by.  I never did something like this with Sky and the others.  It was draining my energy faster than I had anticipated.  Mjolnir came back around.  Jess appeared in a flash of lightning.  “Storm, are you okay?”  She asked, coming closer before realizing the shield was literal fire.  I took a few quick breaths.

“I-is everyone okay?”  I asked.  Jess nodded.  She brought Mjolnir back to her.  She noticed Ein now.  Jess didn't seem mad.  I wasn't gonna let anyone die, especially after they were hurt, and not unless I could do something about it.  Jess linked into her coms set.  “Castor, I found them.  Get Katz back up here quickly.”  She ordered.  Jess glared at Ein before crouching next to me.  “Storm, I know you're tired.  But I need you to try pushing the metal up a bit.  A lot of it is melting from these shields and Katz can't get close enough to help with molten metal in the way.  Do you think you can do that?”  She asked.

I huffed again, nodding slightly.  I pulled my other hand up, holding my necklace charm gently for a moment.  I took a breath, pushing my wings open, bringing the shields up with them.  A jolt down my spine announced the shields shattered.  The rest of the metal clattered to the ground.  I dropped myself to the ground, trying to catch my breath again.  Jess was right, there was molten metal everywhere.  You could see the outline of where the shields were standing.  I heard Daniel zip by.  No doubt Ein was still bleeding from Jacob throwing my dagger at him.  Jess put a hand on my shoulder lightly.  Katz was scanning the area to check for anyone who might have gotten stuck under the debris.

“There's news vans everywhere.  I'm guessing you don't want to be seen yet?”  She asked.  I nodded a bit, getting an idea.  I switched my fire wings, ears, and tail for my lightning ones before changing into my lightning hybrid form.  Jess set Mjolnir down for a moment.  My vision went back to normal, telling me that my eyes aren't red anymore.  Daniel zipped away with Ein while Jess walked down.  I followed her.  “I'll just make something up to explain why you're here.  What do you think of just using your name?”  She suggested.  I nodded a bit, climbing down next to her.

There were a lot of newscasters waiting.  Castor was in his Hawkeye suit, waiting for us.  The news people started asking what had happened and what I was.  Jess looked down at me, smiling.  “Wanna show them Storm?”  She asked.  I tilted my head slightly.  Jess held Mjolnir up a bit, a small crack of electricity coming off the head of the hammer.  Oh, right.  I yipped once, summoning a lightning bolt on teleport onto Jess's shoulder.  Thunder followed shortly after.  I also used the lightning to charge myself back up a little.

Just one of the perks of having a lightning form, I could use electricity to give myself more energy.  Jess used Mjolnir to teleport us to The Hall.  I jumped off her shoulder, floating to the ground.  The rest of The Few showed up again.  I changed back so we could talk.  Sly still looked kind of mad.  No doubt he had already seen my pillar lit up again.  “You relit your pillar and showed up to a fight without telling us anything or knowing exactly what you were getting into?”  He demanded to know.  My ears flicked back a bit.

“You guys needed help.  I thought it was Loki, not Ein.  If I hadn't shown up, you guys would have never realized who he was and those hybrids could have gotten seriously hurt otherwise.  There's nothing like the hybrid whistle in this world and those hybrids had no control whatsoever over themselves.”  I argued.  That seemed to surprise everyone a bit.  I sighed, taking the whistle from my pocket.

I'd managed to sneak it out of Ein's hand when I put the shield up around him.  “She's right, Sly.  As soon as the building collapsed, all of the hybrids stopped fighting us.  Most of them didn't even have green eyes.  It was like they didn't even know where they were, let alone why they were fighting us.”  Kayla pointed out.  I turned the whistle over in my hands for a moment.  The redstone clearly made it less effective, especially if the hybrid was used to redstone.

(Discontinued) The multi-hybridDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora