Chapter 22

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The cave looked massive when I compared it to the form I was in now.  If I remembered, the clothes I had on before would keep me slightly warm.  For a while anyway.  "I would make a fire, but it's too cold for me to change forms.  I wasn't going to walk through a snow storm."  Skylar went to the left side of the cave and laid down, her wary green eyes watching me.  

I shrugged and closed my eyes.  I imagined my fire fox form.  I walked over to some logs and sent a small fireball onto them.  I turned into my normal wolf pup form and sat by the fire.  It was far enough back that the wind wouldn't put the fire out.  I saw Sky looking at me, shocked, from her side of the cave.  I watched the entrance.  Something was moving outside still.  It was too slow to be a rabbit or squirrel.  But it was still too slow to be another hybrid.  It was a slow and tried sound.  A boom went through the air.  

I robin fell in front of the cave.  A hunter.  The was what it was.  I turned into the ice fox again and cast a wall of thick ice to block the cave entrance.  Turning into my nature form, I made a small hole near back of the cave.  I snuck around to the front of the cave, someone in a thick coat was picking up the bird.  Their head turned toward me, I changed into my ice form to blend in better.  It was a man, he looked mean.  He started to walk towards me.  I took a few steps back.

 I ran a little into the forest and found a fallen hollow log.  I ran into it and waited.  I could hear the mans slow steps coming, I could see his boots.  He stopped in front of the log, I turned into the shadow form and tried to become invisible.  The man stomped the log down in front of me.  I took a few steps back and found myself out of the log.  The man crushed the log.  Lucky, I wasn't leaving paw steps in the snow.  The man looked around.

 "COME OUT YOU FILTHY HYBRIDS."  He yelled into the woods.  His voice was clearly human.  I whined slightly, it hurt my ears.  The man turned toward me.  The next thing I knew, I was in a log house, chained to the wall.  

A/N ok, so guys I'm going to end up updating slower than I thought.  I may or may not have accidentally spilled a bucket of paint over the weekend in a closer at my house.  The bookbag in kept all my books in had to be thrown out, the books included.  I'm distraught now.  Reading is my life.  I had a series and a lot of other really good books I that backpack.  I need time to get over it.  Sorry if this is a inconvenience to you guys.  Anything you guys think will help cheer me up will be appreciated.

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