Chapter 10

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"Ok, so who is this?"  Everest said motioning towards Aaron.  Since Everest was in her cat form she would be able to understand Aaron.  "My name is Aaron."  He said firmly.  I flinched as a short stab of pain shot up my back leg.  "Aaron is Ashley's brother.  Younger but he's taller.  Ashley is the girl who came looking for me."  My voice gave is away that I was in pain.

 The three others turned to look at me.  Worry reflected on their faces.  "I think I understand what Hyria was talking about when she said that there would be problems for both involved if someone took my necklace off."  I tried to sound not in pain but it was harder than I thought.  Aaron looked to the fennikin and growled slightly.  "Who took it?"  He said.  I saw where he was looking.  I growled slightly.  

"It wasn't her Aaron.  It was a guy from the Skymedia."  As I said the last word, Everest hissed.  I saw her face the other way.  I looked towards the fennikin.  She stepped out of the bushes slowly.  "I'd like to help.  I've been hiding in this forest for years.  I know how to get around without getting lost.  If the Skymedia people don't have the right spell to get out then the man who has the necklace may still be here."  I nodded.

 "You never said your name."  I replied softly.  The fennikin nodded once.  Her form shifted and a girl with a fennikin shirt with green jeans was in her place.  "My name is Bella.  Unlike you three, I have a Pokémon form.  I just don't have a half form just yet."  Her voice was slightly high pitched.

 Her eyes were orange and her hair was a lighter orange.  It made sense why she had a fennikin form.  Bella walked over to Aaron and held her hand out slightly.  Aaron barked roughly and turned.  Bella smiled.  Everest had changed into her half human form.  She picked me up slowly and I felt comforted knowing that I was at least a little more safer.  

Everest motioned for Bella to lead.  Aaron stayed in his doberman form.  Every so often he would sniff the air or ground.  It seemed like Bella was leading us in a circle.  After maybe an hour or so Aaron's growl had risen to a dangerous tone.  He definitely smelled something.  I lifted my head and tried to smell what he was.

 I could just make out the scent of embers from a fire above the flowering scents.  Instead of growling, I whined quietly.  Everest put her hand on my head softly.  I looked at her and saw something I never noticed  before.  Everest had a necklace.  It was silver the two winged wolves facing opposite each other.  She saw me looking and blushed slightly.

 "I had the same problems as you Storm.  Hyria made this for me, Red and our daughter.  It helped keep our forms under control."  Her whisper was rushed.  I could tell that she heard the muffled voices too.  I couldn't make out what they were saying.  "Ok, Storm I'm going to put you down.  I need you to try and climb a tree.  Do your think you can do that?  I don't want you to get anymore hurt than you seem to be.   I don't know how you not having your necklace will effect your fighting."  I nodded.

 Everest set me down.  I looked around and started to climb a nearby oak tree.  I could see the campsite on the other edge of the trees.  Everest and Bella walked thought the bushes slowly.  A man stopped them.  His hand motions suggested that he did not want them there.  Everest started to talk to him.  Her motions were soft and suggested that Bella and her were lost.

 The man nodded and walked away.  Everest and Bella followed.  As they walked away, Everest cast me a unreadable glance.  They disappeared into the tent.  I waited and waited and eventually they came out.  The sun was just about to go down.  There seemed to be about fifteen men in black suits around the area.  They started to set up more tents.  A total of five were set up.  Everest and Bella were given sleeping bags.  I snuck down the trunk of the tree and to them.

 "Everest."  I whispered.  She sat up and looked around.  "Storm, what are you doing.  You can't be here.  They were talking about finding you.  We know where your necklace is.  Bella and I were going to sneak it when all of the guys were asleep.  The only thing is the two guards."  Her voice was strong with fear and worry.  

Everest shifted into her kitten form.  "I can help with the guards.  I can get them to chase me.  You and Bella can grab the necklace.  I'll lead them away and then try to lose them.  Let me help."  I whined at the end.  Everest shifted back into her human form.  She put her hand on my head.  "What if they catch you?  It would be hard for you to get away."  Her voice saddened.

 I nodded.  It would be worth it.  I want to give you time to get away.  I whined softly.  Everest sighed and then nodded her head.  "Ok, when Bella and I are going to try to grab your necklace.  I'll give you a signal.  It'll be this"  Everest moved her hands to her head and the motions were short but not easy to see.  

"Then you'll find someway to lead the guards and as many other men away as you can.  You'll have to lead them towards Hyria's house.  It's far enough away that they might give up the chase but not so far that you won't make it.  It should give just enough time for Bella and I enough time to grab your necklace and get away.  You should tell Aaron the plan so he can help you if needed.  You need to go find him.  I saw him in a tree across from where you were."

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