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The air was still and cold while I lay starring at the darkness above. I love watching the stars and I remember trying to count them when I was just a child. I counted 3169 before I eventually lost count and gave up. I used to wonder how the moon was able to stay perfectly balanced within our night without falling to its death. And that's why I love the night because night is so mysterious, so many questions yet to be fully answered.

I close my eyes as the wind blows my hair behind my ears and the goosebumps slowly rise upon my pale skin.

The air smelled of rain and wine and the grass beneath my feet felt like silk against my skin.

I slowly stepped to the edge of the cliff I stood tall on and breathed a fresh breath of the sweet air around me. Opening my eyes I looked down at the rocky river hundreds of feet below where I was once told monsters live to be as tall as where I stand on top. I've always wondered what it would be like to just fall and fall. Would I fall forever never knowing how it felt to hit the ground or would I live to feel the sting of death?

"They say you would die about half way down, you wouldn't even feel the hit but you would suffocate and regret the jump, and right as you regret your decision all life would already be gone"

I gasped and turned around at the sound of a deep voice "who are you?" I say as I step back

The man behind me chuckled and took a few steps closer. His eyes were a deep ocean blue and his hair was a jet black which fell to the middle of his back.

"You might just fall if you back up any further" he said with a grin that slowly stretched from ear, to ear

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"You might just fall if you back up any further" he said with a grin that slowly stretched from ear, to ear.

He sniffed the air and sighed a deep breath which turned into a slow moan.

"It's so beautiful out here tonight ain't it?" He said raising a brow in a cocky sort of way.

He sat on the ground and stared up at the dark sky and than glanced at the sight of no people, raising a brow once more he grinned.
"Why don't we make this easy sweetheart? You come with me and you don't have to owe me your life for saving you from that cliff your about to stumble off of"

I was in awe at his beauty but in fear at his presence. I couldn't think straight, before I knew it I took step after step backwards and I was falling to my death. Right before I could have the time to regret what I had done I was swept back up the cliff and laying at the feet of the man who had just taunted me.

That grin was all I saw when I opened my eyes again. The breeze carried his hair in a way that was so beautiful and his gaze was of nothing but deep oceans. The color that the sky carried just as night was beginning to fall laid vastly within his eyes. My lips trembled as he knelt down close to my face and tilted my head back by my chin.

"Yes, my darling, you will do just fine" he said as he pulled a small tube from his pocket.

I quickly stood to my feet but stumbled and fell again only being able to scoot towards the tall tree behind him.

"Hasn't anybody told you darling?" He chuckled and swirled the deep red liquid around in the tiny tube, I'm guessing to make sure what ever he had was the right shade of red. "You can't run from a vampire"

I froze with the words that flew from his charming lips "vampire" I said over and over in my head as if it would somehow change my situation.

"And if you remember correctly my love, our conversation from earlier? I did warn you not to step any closer from that cliff"

I opened my mouth to speak but just one glance of his eyes and I was no longer able to speak accept for short sobs

He shook his head and looked down at me with pity. "Tsk tsk tsk, humans never wanna listen to us vampires, you're just another bitch who will have to pay the price of the stupidity that comes with your kind"

He dragged me by my hair back to his feet. The strong man was now on top of me and opening the small tube.

"The price is your obedience and loyalty to me" he said as he forced the red liquid into my mouth.

Midnight [18+]Where stories live. Discover now