Defeat of the lord

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Zan's POV

I watched in horror but yet in excitement as the wickedness entered the doors. He held the child on a leash and dragged her crying body through the palace.

Blood dripped from between Charles's legs and the rest of the men seemed to crawl their bloody body's through the doors. All men had died accept for 10 and the ones who did survive had their dicks cutt off.

I held the child as she sobbed in my arms. Charles came up to me and yanked the child back.

"The child is mine, and I am the new lord, for Lord X has died at war, his dick was cutt off along with his head, chief Sabal showed no mercy, he can keep his worthless slut, but the child will take her place and YOU are my servant as well" said Charles as he held the sweeping child by the back of her neck.

I stepped forward showing him no fear.

"And what kind of slave are you making the child" I bit back.

"Are you questioning your lord?" He said as he stared into my eyes inches away from my face. His grip got tighter on the child.

"I sure as fuck can't have sex with her now can I?" He said as he looked down at his still bleeding dick.

"I guess, having your cock cutt off was for the better now wasn't it" I said looking him up and down with disgust.

With that Charles lifted his fist and socked me as hard as he could in the face. And threw the child on the ground in anger kicking her frail little body.

"Get the fuck up you worthless mortals, get out of my sight before I kill you both"

The sobbing child lay on the ground practically gagging in pain as I gently picked her up into my arms running her to my bedroom.

"Don't worry my sweet child, I've got a plan and I'm going to get us out of here" I said as I held her tiny body.

"The chief Zan, he killed them, he killed the evil right before my eyes, he's my hero, and a strong man tired to save me but Charles killed him right before he could protect me" she cried as she spewed the horror of the war.

A child like her should not have had to witness such terror. I said to myself as she told me everything she had saw.

The once innocent child was now a broken, shell of herself, she will never be the same.

"We will plan our escape tomorrow sweet child" I said as I laid her broken body in my bed. "Until than sleep and I will make sure Charles doesn't hurt you.

Her sobbing eyes looked up at me in a plea to not leave her and I didnt. I sat by the door all night making sure nobody entered the room.

In the room down the hall I heard the anger from Charles as he threw anything he could at the walls. I could hear the sound of glass shattering and her mad laughter.

The men who survived could be heard crying in their rooms, one even cried out his loves name who I can only assume died in the war.

I didn't feel bad for them not even one little bit, I wished that they all would die and that me and Neigha would be safe from their wickedness.

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