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Shit gets real in this chapter.

I couldn't sleep at all that night. I kept thinking about the way Lilith touched me and what's to come when I am trained. I don't even know what I'm being trained for or why these vampires want me. They wouldn't even unchain me to let me sleep comfortably.

I could hear the rain outside tap against the glass of the window. "Glass glass glass" I repeated in my mind over and over again and glanced around the completely dark room looking for anything close by.

I spotted a lipstick sitting on the shelf next to the foot of my bed next to my feet. That told me that I am in Lilith's personal bedroom. The lipstick was beautiful and I could tell it was made of glass. The top of it had a pointy finish and I stared at it all night. I even imagined it flying over to my chains and setting me free.

As soon as I could see the beaming lights of day shine through the crying cracks where the curtains met the wall, I shut my eyes and finally got a few hours of sleep before a tiny little girl about the age of 7 walked into the bedroom. She left the door wide open and placed my food on the bed next to me.

"Master sais he will be in to pick your outfit for the day" she said with broken words. I could tell she was nervous but not scared. She wore a pink button up one piece that had the shortest most tight skirt that clung to her little legs. "Sick bastard" I said under my breath "once I find a way to escape this place that poor child is coming with me" I thought to myself as she sat beside me on the bed.

"You really must hurry, master doesn't like to be kept waiting"

I rolled my eyes and turned my head to look at the child who was dressed as a sex slave.

"Does master touch you" I finally got up the courage to ask as she carefully fed me my food.

She looked at the comforter of my bed and back at me "no master sais I'm too young, I'm in training as a makeup artist and food server to the sex slaves right now, miss Lilith tells me she will train me for slavery once I turn 16" she said as she fed me the last morsels.

I sighed a breath of relief but now I knew what they wanted of me. I am indeed their sex slave.

With the demise of that thought Charles the beautiful man with the red hair stepped by the door and stared at us with his arms crossed.
"Showing is in 5 minutes girls, don't fucking keep me waiting" he said as he looked at his watch "Sarah's master will be back in 30 minutes and he wants to make sure he can take her back to his quarters by Midnight Thursday"

The child than set the empty trey on the table and unlocked my chains at the sound of the door locking. Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I quickly looked around the bedroom frantically for something hard and heavy.

I spotted the heavy weight they use to keep smaller girls like me attached to the floor and picked it up.

The child than looked at me with fear. "Master will beat us both if you try and escape Sarah" I looked at the child with pity and I knelt down to her size "listen to me hun you will be coming with me" I said as I ran to the window. I quickly threw the weight at the window and it shattered into hundreds and hundreds of little pieces.

Just as the window made a crash the door flung open and Charles grabbed me by my hair throwing me to the ground like a rag doll.
"I TOLD YOU NOT TO FUCKING TEST ME YOU BITCH!!!" He threw me on the bed and towered over me taking off his belt.

"Not in front of the child Charles" I said bitterly as I sized him up.

"LILITH!, COME GET NEIGHA!!" With that Lilith came running in and ran the sobbing child out of the room locking the door behind her.

I looked up at the vampire who towered over me this time I didn't wanna show him fear.

"Don't EVER fucking call me by my name again slut!" He said as he whipped me across the face with his belt. "And if you EVER try and escape again, I won't hesitate to chain you up by that ceiling, your master told me to train you and that's what I'm going to do" he said as I broke eye contact.

"I didn't tell you, you could look away slut!" He yelled as he grabbed the whip on the wall.

"I'm not afraid of you, you fucking bastard!" I yelled as I spat in his face.

"I guess I didn't teach you a good enough lesson the first time huh?" He said as he cracked the whip against my skin.

"You really should be afraid of me because I can ravage your entire body and your master would be completely fine with it" he continued as he ripped what clothes I had off which was just the silk panties Lilith had put on me last night after touching me.

"Part of your training is sex so I am perfectly within my rights to have my way with you right now" he took a second and looked over my naked body before turning to the door and opening it a crack. "SHOWING IS POSTPONED FOR ANOTHER 10 MINUTES!" He yelled out the door.

He walked towards me and unbuttoned his pants and crawled on top of me.

Tears ran down my face as I accepted what was about to happen to me. "If you try and stop me from taking what is mine to take I promise you I will make it hurt" he said as he forcefully spread my legs apart.

He forcefully pushed himself inside of me not wasting any time. I moved against the bed whimpering softly not trying to anger him any further.

"Thats right , now you wanna be a good girl huh, is that what it takes to keep you in line" He continued well past 10 minutes. When he was done he didn't bother to wash my face or clean me up. He dressed me in slave clothing and walked me out of the bedroom in chains.

He put me in line with the other girls and whispered in my ear a threat "if you ever anger me again it will be 100 times worse than that" he said with a growl in his voice right before walking to the couch in front of us.

The first crowd of vampires walked in and Charles stepped in front of me placing a collar around my neck which read "slut sold"

He spoke with a loud voice "this slut over here is already owned and in training, don't mind her appearance for I had to show her who has the bigger dick around here!" He hissed as he looked down at me.

I cried as the vampires made their rounds to the other slaves.

Across the room I could see Charles and Neigh sitting across the room. Charles gestured Neigh to sit on his lap in which she did triggering an anger within Lilith from across the room.

"Why don't you leave the child alone you pervert" yelled Lilith as she showed her fangs in anger

Charles hissed back "don't tell me how to train my slaves bitch!"

"She's not a slave Charles, she's a child and I don't train her until she's of age!"

Charles flung the child off his lap and towered over the vampire who was challenging him.

"You will train whoever I want you to train WHENEVER I TELL you to train them"

Lilith sized him up with her eyes, looking at him like the dirt he was. "I am not yours to order around, last time I checked I am heir to queen Jade"

With that the all mighty Charles angrily backed down.

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