Escape failed

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The strong vampire climbed on top of me and growled in my face. He licked my face and with a grin his fangs were fully exposed.

"Your blood is mine tonight" he whispered with a low growl in his throat.

He forcefully pushed my head to the side and viciously sank his fangs into my neck. A blood curtailing scream escaped my mouth and echoed through the darkness. Just as quickly as I screamed he covered my mouth and continued taking as much blood as he wanted.

Just as my limbs became weak out of the little vision I had left I saw the face of a young man peering behind a tree. He stepped out and yelled.


Charles than stood tall glareing at his next victim. With glowing eyes he wiped the blood from his mouth and with a growl he said.
"I see we have another foolish human trying to be a hero"

My hero still stood tall but was frozen with fear.

Charles leaped on top of the man and ripped his head clean off his body. Standing over my weak flesh he dangled the severed head in my eyes view.

"Mmm, now that you see what I can do, I suggest you don't attempt that shit again, or else next time this will be your head"

I couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't even feel. Just than I felt the movement of Charles throwing my limp body over his shoulder.

All I could think through the walk back was doom. "I'm doomed, I'm doomed, I'm doomed" repeated in my head like a broken record.

Once we got back to Lilith's room Charles hung me up by the ceiling and chained my legs to the ground.

"Don't think I'm done with you, by the end of tonight you're going to wish you were dead"
He growled with dried blood still around his mouth. He grabbed the heaviest whip on the wall and cracked it against my flesh.

I couldn't feel anything but numbness as he mercifully beat me.

"You are nothing but a stupid slave, and from now on the rest of the time you're here you will be treated like nothing more than what you are" He spit on me and cracked the whip against my face. With each whip he let out what he thought of me.

"A whore, a bitch, fucking worthless"

By the end of my punishment I couldn't have looked human. I could feel the blood dripping from my raw flesh. How was I still alive?

After he finished he wiped the sweat from his brow and dropped the whip at my feet.

"I'm finished with the slut" he said calmly as he exited allowing my master into the room.

Master looked me up and down shaking his head. " tsk tsk tsk, I'm sorry you had to learn this way darling, but you have to learn obedience. And if that means death, I can easily look for a stronger pet" he said as he held his arms behind his back.

"Lilith said something about piercing those for me" he said as he ran the back of his hand against my breasts.

"I saved her the trouble and told her I'd just go ahead and do it myself" he said with a smile as he sterilized a small needle with a single flame.

I flinched as he effortlessly slid the scorching needle through not one but both of my nipples, followed by the sterling silver jewelry. He wiped the tears from my face and whispered in a loving tone.

"Shhh shhh shhh, that wasn't so hard now was it?" He continued with a smile "those should be fun to play with once your training is over"

He proceeded to wash my wounds, which stung with every scrub. He washed my wounds with Jin and carefully wrapped every scar.

"Anymore mistakes darling, and I suspect your death to be soon" he said with pity in his eyes.

With a long sigh he brushed my long brown hair with his fingers.
"And I really love you"

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