The lord

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As I lay within the darkness of my mind I tried not to focus on my aching body and raw wrists. I had to think of a way to some day escape.

I knew there were other humans around and that I am as of right now deep deep within vampire territory. I had to some how figure out their weaknesses and sneak my way out of their reach. I need to get Lord X to trust me by myself.

The next day soon came and Lilith walked in.

"Get out of bed slut, your master is here to retrieve you" she said. I hurried out of bed and put the cloths on that she handed me which was a pair of white shorts and a black tank top.

Lord X walked in the room and I quickly knelt down and bowed at his feet.

The strong man smiled and attached a royal blue collar around my neck with a chain leash attached. He waited for me to stand up and lead me out of the room without a word.

As we entered a black limbo outside of the castle doors he opened the door for me and ordered me to kneel on the floor while he sat in the red fur seats.

"I expect the most respect from you slave" he said as he lit a cigarette. "I trust the Lilith has trained you well, because she know she is to be hanged if her work for me is a failure"

I'm guessing lord X isn't a fan of gore.

I stayed quiet the entire ride to the palace and took note of what I could see out the window.

"So, slave, what do you with your name to be, you may speak" he said calmly starring down at me.

I thought for a second and than quietly responded shyly.


I didn't want to keep my old name or any of my slave names.

He thought for a second and laughed

"Hope, I like it" he said taking another drag of his cigarette. He continued "although you don't seem like you have much to be hopeful for" he said as he traced my scars with his huge hands.

He was seriously making fun of me, after all I went through he found joy in my suffering, he found my pain to be amusing.

I stayed silent as he lead me out of the limbo and up to the most amazing palace. Everything looked like it was made of gold and we entered on a long velvet red carpet. The other slaves took his jacket and hung it up for him as we entered.

The floors were paved with porcelain perfection and not a single trace of dirt was to be seen. He clapped his hands and a tall human man who seemed like a butler rushed to his service.

"Zan, please take my belongings to my room please" he said handing my leash to the tall man who bowed in his presence.

"Yes, sir X it will be my pleasure"

My master continued.
"Oh and Zan, please bring it back down for dinner at 7:00 sharp"

Zan bowed his head "yes sir lord"

I looked up at Zan as he walked me down the hall.

"Can you give me some advice on how to please my master Sir Zan?" I asked in fear of making even the butler upset with me.

He looked down at me from the corner of his eyes and thought as he nervously looked around making sure nobody was around.

"The lord is a heavy sleeper, he sleeps at midnight" he said without moving his lips.

Is he telling me how to escape? I asked myself. He has to be.

He continued without moving his lips. "There are tunnels leading to the back yard, meet me by the red painting on your hall at 12:05" he said not making any eye contact.

I can't believe he's willing to help me without knowing me. My heart pounded in my chest as we entered my masters room. It was a giant room with silk red curtains and plush carpets and gold furniture.

"I was told to stay in here with you miss and bring you to dinner in 10 minutes" he said as he shook my hand.

Dinner soon came. I nervously walked into the dining room where servers people and pets sat. The pets sat on the ground with their food sitting on their laps. Their masters held tight to their leashes. Zan led me to my spot where there was a single apple on my plate. Most of the other pets I saw got the same thing and if not that something smaller. One even ate at a single slice of cheese.

Some vampires had their pets on their laps and I quickly found out what for. Tiny whimpers filled the air of the girls on the laps of giant vampire men. They tried to be secretive about it but I could seen the tiny girls timidly bouncing up and down within their masters laps.

One girl stuck out who was obviously being punished. Her master violently trusted himself in and out of her as she roughly bounced on his lap. Her cries were faint but only because he was roughly covering her mouth as he entered her.

All color left my face as my master slowly brought me to his lap. He was gentle but didn't want to waste any time. He slid himself inside of me and began to lightly thrust in and out. He whispered gently in my ear as I whimpered.

"Don't move, take my dick and don't make any more noises than you are right now, this sex is for new pets and politeness is very important to me" he said as he slid both his hands up my shirt moving me up and down against his cock.

After he was done he wiped between my legs with a napkin and ordered me back by my plate on the floor.

How disgusting I thought to myself as I heard the faint whimpers of the other girls.

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