The promise

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Hope's POV

This time we fell asleep in each others arms. I woke up to the sun in my face and turned to Sabal who was soundly sleeping with one arm over his face and the other arm neatly resting on his bare chest.

How did I get so lucky to find such a beautiful person. I said to myself as his chest rose and fell as he slept.

I was excited for him to wake up because I had so many memories last night as I slept yet I wasn't sad or scared of them because I felt so safe and protected with him by my side.

I ran my fingers through his hair as he woke up and stared at me with those big honey eyes.

"Any sweet dreams last night" he said softly as he gently rose from the bed walking to the kitchen.

I got out of bed and hurried to the kitchen chair ready to tell him everything.

"Yea, I have memories" I squeaked.

He glanced at me from the corners of his eyes and hummed.

"Mmm?" He said in the form of a question as he started making sweet fruit and honey milk.

"Are you going to tell me?" He asked as I watched the muscles in his back rise up and down with his movements.

"Yea, I remember when I was captured, I was standing on top of a cliff much higher than the one we jumped from yesterday, and a man behind me had told me that if I were to fall that I would die before I hit the bottom. And I got scared and was backing up to get away from him when he ordered me to go with him, I didn't wanna go with him but he told me that if I took one more step that I would fall and that if he had to save me that I would owe him my life" I looked at the ground as Sabal was now sitting directly across from me with our food.

He didn't say anything else and stared at me listening closely as he drank his coffee.

I continued.
"I fell off the cliff and he saved me but pinned me to the ground and poisoned me"
Sabal took a sip of his coffee "mhm? Do you remember more?" He asked listening close.

"Yea, I woke up in a room where there the same man was trying to force me to eat, I refused and he brought in a man who called himself Charles, he was the only red haired vampire there and he forced the food down my throat, Charles was one of the ones who had violently raped me because I had called him by his name instead of master" I continued as I ate my food slowly.

"But I only called him by his name because I was mad that he was trying to have sex with a 7 year old little girl"

Sabal slammed his cup on the table making me jump.

"Fucking bastard!" He yelled "I'm sorry continue" he said closing his eyes as he listened.

"That night I had tried to escape but they noticed I was gone before I could get far and they could smell me. One of the vampire women threatened to eat my heart, they used the little girl as bate and said if I didn't come out they would harm her. I was too scared and they heard me, Charles tackled me to the ground and fed from me. But when we got back to the castle he didn't wanna stop. He chained me by my hands to the ceiling and my feet were chained to the floor as he viciously beat and beat me for hours until I was covered in my own blood"

A tear ran down Sabal's face but he quickly wiped it not wanting me to see him cry.

"Continue" he said with a slight shake in his voice.

"After he was done beating me a women named Lilith came in and she beat me even worse and forced me to be raped by over 47 vampire men and than after that she raped me herself" I continued as he listened

"My master came in and was angry he told me that I had to be trained and by then I had gave up and fully submitted to them" I left out a lot as I knew I couldn't fit every detail of what happened to me.

"Once my master had come to get me he put me on a leash and ordered his butler who's name was Zan take me to the room and than bring me back for dinner, Zan told me he would help me escape and to meet him by a red picture witch had tunnels behind it, when I showed up to dinner, my master, Lord X had raped me right at the dinner table, and once he was sleeping I snuck out to meet Zan where he gave me this golden watch so that I could track my time as I escaped" I said as I held the golden watch in my hand.

Sabal walked over to me wrapping me in his strong embrace, resting his head on top of mine.

"Nobody is ever, ever going to hurt you again" he said as he held me tight.

"Do you promise?" I asked as I shook within his arms.

He faced me and looked me in the eyes

"a man never breaks his promises"

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