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I ran to Jai as he was very clearly dying. I dragged his bloody body onto the back of my horse and over to a bare spot in the Forrest as my men finished off the rest of the vampires.

I looked around wondering who could have shot him and suddenly, I saw a red haired man running across the Forrest and over the river back into vampire territory.

I slammed my sword angrily into the earth below me.

"That damn PUSSY!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I applied as much pressure to Jais wound as I could.

I began slapping him trying to keep him awake as I poured whisky on his wounds to clean them.

"Stay with me dude, you can't die on me!" I yelled as I began to try and give him cpr.

His eyes laid open and his breathing slowed down as I pumped his chest breathing air into him for several minutes. I kept checking his pulse but it became weaker and weaker as his body began to grow cold. Blood ran from the sides of his mouth as his pulse finally stopped.

"FUCK!" I yelled with anger as the rest of the men surrounded us, bowing their heads.

I bowed my head over my best friends body and gently shut his now lifeless eyes.

I turned to my men and howled the cry of a fallen brother.

"He died a hero, and he died protecting what we all promised to protect, even tho our brother has died at the hands of these monsters, he will not be forgotten, and we have won!"

With that they lifted their swords and howled at the full moon above.

I lifted my best friends body onto my horse and we slowly made our tired souls back home.

We took our time and prayed to the ancestors who looked down from above.

We cried but, they were not tears of sorrow but tears of joy as we had the soul of a hero who stood so tall for the ones he loved, he died for us and for Hope.

We finally arrived home and silently went our separate ways. The river was no longer safe to ever cross again and the threat of a vampire ever getting on our land was 0. I walked through the door a bloody mess as Hope laid sleeping soundly in my bed.

I covered her shoulders and kissed her sleeping head.

I couldn't sleep at all, so I sat at my table and silently cried tears of sorrow now that the other men couldn't see.

Men don't cry, and neither do warriors. I said to myself. I wiped my tears and silently watched her sleep until I found myself sleeping aswell.

I dreamt of the war and all who I have killed, I dreamt of Hope and her beautiful eyes, I dreamt of the red haired man who escaped and didn't die, in hopes that he would never return.

At least he could never rape another innocent soul again. I said in my mind as my tired body refused to fully rest.

My true love is out of harms way and for that I am proud.

I watched the child be swept up by the red haired man and I regret that I wasn't able to save her. I wanted to but couldn't reach her.

I remember her face stared me right in the eyes and she looked like she was just begging me for help. That innocent child is in the hands of that monster who likes children. He can never rape her tho without his dick.

The day soon shone through the window and my tired eyes still lay half open as Hope turned around and leaping out of bed. He flung herself to my sore and tired body and collapsed into my arms.

I smiled for her but I was in so much pain and my soul ached and my heart was broken into a million pieces.

I looked down at the sweet, sweet girl in my arms and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"I told you I'd be here when you woke" I said as her bright blue eyes stared up at mine.

This is not the end, more chapters are to come

Midnight [18+]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt