Plans of invasion

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Soldiers POV

"My servants report to my throne!" Yelled the new lord as we all loyaly did as he said. We stood in a line with our heads bowed as he threw things angrily around the room.

"As you know there has been another betrayal, that disgusting child and my butler has managed to escape and I want a total invasion of the wolfs land" he said with a growl.

"Lord, chief Sabal will cutt our heads off if we even try"

"Not another word Sire!" Yelled the lord.

"From the evidence, they could not have possibly crossed the river into the western lands, you will all set off to the Nordic mountains at dawn"

He said showing his fangs.

"Bring me my blood slave" he said as he sat upon his throne.

A strong vampire brought in a tiny girl by the name of Sarah and held her hands tight behind her back. She was trembling and cried as the lord stared her up and down.

"Strip her" he said lowly watching as the man took off her cloths and brought her to him.

"Come" he growled as the small girl sat on his lap facing the lords face.

He placed his hand on her back and forcefully pushed her body against him as he moved her head to the side biding his fangs into her neck.

The small girl whimpered but eventually went limp against his body as he sucked the poor girl dry before evilly tossing her dead body to the side.

The lord could no longer rape a slave but he could still suck the life out of anybody he wanted.

He chose the smallest girls as he took joy in dominating the weakest ones.

"Bring me another girl at once and she shall be my punching bag the rest of the night" he said as they brought in another terrified small girl.

The girl entered and her innocent eyes looked up at the lord In fear.

He immediately held the girls chin up to face him and punched her right in the face.

"Don't cry" he said as he tossed her weak body to the ground.

"Every time I get angry tonight, your job is to take my beatings" he said as he kicked her over and over. "Get up and go sit in front of my throne" he said with satisfaction. As the small girl got up and ran to the throne.

He sat in his throne and rested his feet upon her shoulders as she sat in submission with her head facing the floor.

"Go prepare for my invasion, take every destructive weapon and kill on sight of a Nordic person, women and children will not be spared death, go!"

With that we left the throne room and did what he said.

We armed ourself with the strongest armor and set out the front doors and through the Forrest.

Once we made it to the river that was still dangerously raging we traveled the side and used the river for water and food as we traveled.

The sun was just rising over the horizon as we dreaded to death that was over those distant mountains into the Nordic lands.

I looked at one of the men as he walked with his head facing the ground carrying his head armor under his arm.

"Do you think we are going to die tomorrow?" I asked trying to make convo.

The man looked up at me and half way smiled.

"Once we get to those mountains and spot the first person, I think I'm just gunna end my life" he said with acceptance.

"A vampire never does such a thing" I replied with remorse.

"You see Sire, Me and several of these men are not vampires, the lord has chosen the strongest of his men, most of us are vampires but few are nothing but broken human servants" he said as he rested his sword on his shoulders.

"I don't want you to end yourself dude, we will make it out of this"

The mortal man hung his head and didn't speak for a while as a couple other mortals decided to end themself with a single shot to the head.

Some of us flinched with each shot but we refused to stop to collect their tormented souls.

The mortal next to me sighed as the first shot went off.

"I'm jealous of the dead, if I don't end myself in the invasion, will you kill me?" He said already knowing my answer before I spoke it.

"I refuse"

Midnight [18+]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang