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Sabal's POV

I walked outside into the night air as the sun was setting within the trees.
There were 2 large vampires with child, they were large but I was larger than both and they seemed to be weary of me immediately.

"What are you doing on MY land" I said with a loud voice.

The men held up a picture of Hope "have you seen this young girl"

I glared at the 2 men without looking at the picture of the girl who was in my home.

"It's none of your business who's on my fucking land, if you're looking for one of your slaves why don't you respectfully search in your own territory" I said as I puffed out my chest looking down at both men.

They cowered but surprisingly had the balls to size me up.

"Our lord has given us strict order-" I cutt them off mid sentence and raised my voice.

"I don't care what orders the Lord has given you, you WILL exit my land immediately or I WILL be forced to remove you myself"

With that they folded up the picture and placed it in their pocket. "Yes sir" I glared at them again "don't address me as royalty, I am higher than royalty, you will address me as chief" I said as they spoke once more. They refused to make any more eye contact.

"Yes chief" they said as they both bowed and ran back through the Forrest.

"Follow them make sure they cross the river, weather or not the river is violent or not make sure they enter the water" I said as the 2 men on horses galloped after the 2 vampires.

I walked back into the house and once again sat next to Hope who was overwhelmed with tears.

Mika looked at me with sorrow "she said the one called Jay raped her, she doesn't remember where she was raped just what happened and his personality"

I stared directly in her eyes this time and grabbed her hand with both hands.

"Darling tell me everything you know about the one called Jay" I said as the tiny girl looked up at me.

It was only now that I noticed how incredibly beautiful she was. Her eyes were blue seas of diamonds and her hair was like a lions main that had been stolen in fits of attacks. Her skin was a perfect shining shade of porcelain.

I was at a loss of words as her soul stuck me right in the stomach taking my breath away. They say the eyes are a window to the soul and now I fully believed in that because as soon as this beautiful women met my eyes I swear my heart skipped a beat.
All I wanted to do was protect her at all costs.

"I was in a dark room when a women with a whip brought in a tall man much stronger than me, he told me his name was Jay and that I was to be taught my next lesson" I was sure to stay quiet remaining eye contact as she told me what she could remember.
Tears swam in her eyes as she described the horrors that took place.

"He ordered me to sit on his lap where his p p penis was exposed and he touched me, he made me enjoy it and I felt like such a slut. He moved my body in ways I had never moved before and forced himself inside of me. He was gentle and kind b b but I didn't want to" she began to cry uncomfortably as she covered her face in shame.

"I'm such a whore I am, I am!!" She yelled through her sobs.

"Darling, you're not a whore for enjoying a natural human act of passion. This man called Jay forced this out of you. The part between your legs is so sensitive that a man who knows how to evilly manipulate a young women, can easily rape her and make her feel like she wanted it, when in fact he is the one at fault"

The beautiful girl looked up at me as I wiped the tears from her small face.

"Are you sure I'm not a slut"

I smiled and pushed the hair from her face. "Darling I'm positive, you are beautiful and worth so much more than what you were used for. You may not remember all right now but in time you will and when you do, I promise, I will be right here" I said as the small girl hugged her knees.

"Please darling, rest your weary eyes, I will be here all night, and I will be here in the morning"

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