Land of death

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Zan's POV

As we walked through the night we stumbled upon a baron land full of nothing but ash and burned trees. The sky was pitch black and not even the stars shone through when just 5 minutes ago the sky was completely clear of any clouds.

The silence sliced through the darkness so sharp that I could feel it's blade through the air.

Everything was totally dead as suddenly the sky lit up with thunder and rain began to pour from the dark clouds which held lightning that ripped through the sky at the speed of light striking any tree it could manage to strike.

I ran as fast as I could through the dead Forrest as my skin violently began to burn. And as the rain landed on my skin I could visibly see the smoke rising from the surface of where it hit me.

We were being rained on by acid rain. The thunder roared and the child on my shoulder began to cry in pain as the rain repeatedly hit her face.

I cared more about her than anything so I took off my shirt and jacket and covered her in layers as she sat on my shoulders. My jacket did the job and she wasn't being rained on anymore but God only knows how long that will last before the leather in my jacket erodes from the acid inside the rain.

I could smell my burning flesh as I frantically ran through the dead land trying my best to cover my eyes. Drop after drop after drop had landed in my eyes and tears of acid rain stained my face burning my face.

By the time we exited the land the skies were clear and morning was here. I could tell it was morning by the sounds around me and the chirps of small birds.

My eyes were completely open but all I saw was darkness. I felt my face and all I felt was boils and burns everywhere I touched. I called out to the child on my shoulders.

"Eli, are you hurt"
Eli whimpered but answered me.

"No, I'm ok" she said with a scared whine.

"Ok Eli, I'm gunna need you to peek out from under my jacket and see where we are, because my eyes are very hurt" I said as I felt the child lift the jacket.

"I see the sun" she said but her sentence was cutt off before she continued.

"I see men in black"

"Eli, what do the men in black look like" I said with a tremble in my voice, not yet knowing if we were out of vampire territory.

"They are a tan like kind of pale, with fangs, they are smiling at us"

Her response shook my to the core and their voices scared me even more.

"Who's there" they yelled all at once making their voices echo like a storm in the night.

"We come in peace, please, I am with child" I said as clear as I could as I took off my shoes to feel the movements through the ground.

I could feel their presence right in front of me and than a strong hand touched my chest stopping me In my tracks.

"Please, sir, don't hurt us"

The voice laughed. It was a deep raspy voice of a man who smoked but I could tell he couldn't have been over the age of 26 years old.

"Sir, how do you know I'm a sir, I could be a ma,am for all you know" he mocked as I could feel his eyes on me

He continued "nah I'm joking man, but seriously you just stumbled out of the land of death, how are you still alive?"

"I don't know, but I'm in pain, and I need to get my little sister away from the vampires"

I felt the coat gently being lifted off Eli.
"Aah, I see, well count yourself lucky, because you are definitely out of vampire territory" he said proudly.

"The way my sister described you, I thought for sure you guys were vampires" I said with a sigh of relief.

"I have to admit, we do look almost identical" said one of the other men who stood before us.

"Come with us, you and child, the toxins of the acid rain can poison your lungs and we need to treat both you and child right away" said another man who I could tell spoke from the back of the crowd.

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