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Trigger warning, light sexual content against ones will towards the end

I woke to see a dimly lit room with warm candles and purple wall paint. The floor was a black fur and the door looked to be a dark purple metal. The only thing I could fully focus on was the fact that my wrists felt as if they were raw and my finger nails burned as if I had been fighting for hours.

I tried to move my arms but they were chained to the bed posts.

I heard the sound of the door slowly opening and the bright light from the outside was so bright I had shut my eyes from the shock.

"Don't try and pretend that your sleeping darling, I heard your chains move" said the tall man who entered the room. He set a platter of food down on the table next to me and sat directly in front of me on the giant bed I was tied to.

"Let me explain things very clear for you human" he spoke with sternness and got very close to my face.

"You WILL eat every morsel on this plate, You WILL drink every drop of water I give you, and if you don't, well, you don't wanna know what will happen" he reached for the trey on the table and placed it next to me as he grabbed a piece of bread from the center holding it in his hand. "And I don't wanna have to make this difficult" he said as he broke off a piece of bread and shoved it in my mouth.

My sadness and fear quickly turned to anger. with all the anger inside me I violently spat the bread back in his face.

He stared at me with a blank expression and sighed. "I see you chose violence" he spat in a bitter tone as he wiped the food from his face. "You're soon going to regret that, I promise you!" He yelled once more as he placed the trey back onto the table. He got up and calmly exited the room locking the metal locks as he left.

I made a mistake and I quickly realized that as a tall thin women entered the room with a man who held the true meaning of beauty. Their eyes were like wolves and they passed the room as they stared. The women was dressed in jeans and a corset with dark blood like lipstick and the man was a red haired quite man with dark brown lips with just a white T shirt and grey jeans.

The women spoke "I was told she chose violence against her master" the man looked at the women than back at me "oh really, she did didn't she?, why don't we show her what the punishment for disobedience is?" He said as he grabbed the thick whip fr...

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The women spoke "I was told she chose violence against her master" the man looked at the women than back at me "oh really, she did didn't she?, why don't we show her what the punishment for disobedience is?" He said as he grabbed the thick whip from the wall.

I whimpered and squirmed within my chains.

The women cackled as the red haired man cracked the whip against the platter of food making me jump.

"YOU ARE A SLAVE, HUMAN! AND I AM HERE TO MAKE SURE YOU OBEY. AND IF THAT MEANS BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF YOU, DAMNIT I WILL!" He spat as he held my chin so that I was starring him in the eyes

He held up the bread and shoved it in my mouth with violent force. "DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!" He spat once more as I slowly chewed the morsel.

I nodded my head slowly as I glared at him with anger.

"That's a good girl, and if you keep sizing me up you're about to feel my full wrath, I'm not the one to test" he said as he angrily shoved morsel after morsel in my mouth.

Within a few minutes every piece of food was gone. He forced my mouth open to check if I had swallowed every bit. Pleased with his answers he tossed the trey on the table next to me and calmly left the room leaving behind the brown haired women with blood like lipstick.

"You know bitch, if you keep testing your masters patients, he isn't going to be the most pleasant to be around, Charles is right, he is here to make sure you obey and if you don't, you won't like the punishments, not like I believe you will even survive them if you keep it up" she said as she calmly lit a cigarette.

She inhaled and exhaled a couple times as she stared at my trembling body, obviously deep in thought. "You know what I like about humans?" She finished her thought as quickly as she started it "you guys are PAINFULLY ignorant, and it makes it easier for us vampires to find a target" she took drag after drag of her cigarette before calmly putting it out.

"My name is Lilith and Charles has given me the job to train your annoying little ass" she said as she looked me up and down with disgust on her face.

I tugged at the chains as she lit another cigarette, taking her first couple drags she pulled out her cellphone. "You're waisting your energy puppy" she said as she smiled with Perly white fangs poking against her blood lips.

She carefully slipped my shirt off tossing it to the ground with carelessness. "Even if you did manage to escape those chains, you won't escape nor survive the chase of 10 vampires" she said as she put her cigarette out lighting yet another.

The thought of outrunning 10 vampires exhausted me but I was up for the challenge as soon as I got even a sliver of a chance.

My bare chest was exposed and goose bumps rose upon my skin as she took picture after picture.

She walked up to the bed as I trembled and looked me up and down as the cigarette hung from her mouth. Even tho she was obviously a chain smoker, her beauty was absolutely breath taking. She looked me in the eyes as she began to take off my pants and undies.

"This is part of your training, puppy, if you fight me I can bring Charles in and he can do it himself" she continued as she slowly felt between my legs "I think Charles was Offaly nice to send me to do this and not himself" she said with a smile.

I whimpered and whined as she continued fondling me. I closed my eyes as she forcefully spread my legs apart. "That's a good puppy, so far you're doing such a good job" she said as she pulled a pair of silk undies from the dresser. She carefully slipped them on me but left my chest fully bare.

"Tomorrow we are getting those pierced, and if you're a good little puppy about it, I won't start your training until the next day" said the vampire women as she playfully skipped to the metal door

"btw your new name is Puppy because it suits you"

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