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Jai's POV

I had just come back from the waterfalls and was walking back to the village when I saw what looked to be a young girl walking.
She looked ill and very confused but I knew she wasn't from here.

Her skin was almost as white as a vampire and I hoped that she wasn't, but what made me know was the fact that her skin was a glowing white, like human skin.

She limped across the forest not yet noticing me. She looked absolutely terrified and confused. Her hair was matted and looked like it had been violently chopped off and her clothes were ripped and soaking wet.

As I got closer she noticed me. She didn't seem scared at the sight of me but she seemed startled at the sight of possible humans like her.

Her eyes still had what looked to be dried up makeup and tears.
Her mouth was black and blue, from what I didn't know yet.

She looked at me as if she was studying me.

I wanted to make her feel comfortable so I abandoned my look of concern and replaced it with a welcoming smile.

I smiled and it brought forth a gleam in her eye.

I asked her for her name and how she got here but she said she didn't remember anything.

I wished that she would remember anything but she seemed to get more upset the more I questioned so I decided to help her Instead.

The small girl looked like she was starving and her ribs poked through her pale skin.

I sighed and put my hand in hers with a smile to at least pick up on her anxiety and weakness.

I was right, her anxiety was extreme and she even jumped a bit at my touch. Her hands shook in fear and she was very cold.

Picking the frail girl up in my arms wasn't hard. She had to of been only about 70 pounds, and for a girl who obviously isn't a child, isn't healthy.

She tensed up at when I picked her up but she collapsed in my arms once I let go of tension in my hold.

I carried her all the way to the village and laid her down on a hammock that sat by a small Forrest spot with tables chairs and couches.

Kneeling beside her I rested my head on my arms. "Do you remember anything about how you got here or what happened to you, cause I can tell you're extremely stressed and anxious" I said as I sat cris cross on the grass.
I untied my hair and used my hair tie to tie her mid length hair up in a tiny ponytail.

"I only remember running, I ran until I couldn't run anymore and when I reached the river, I I I don't know what happened next because I just remember waking up on the opposite side"

I looked at the small girl for several minutes trying to piece together what she was saying.

"Ok so if I'm hearing you correctly, you were running through vampire territory?"

I asked as worry grew upon her face seeming as if she was having a memory.

"I was running away I think, but I don't know from what" she said with obvious confusion.

"From what your saying it seems you were running from vampires, I can't be entirely sure tho because although it's rare that they don't detect a human on their land, 9 times out of 10 humans don't wined up that deep into vampire territory unless the vampires are holding them there, I can't be sure that your human because vampires come in many different blood types there for many different palenesses so it quite likely that you could be of vampire descendant"

I explained clearly as her eye grew wide.

I continued with a warming smile and held her hand "it's not easy to know for sure but it would make it a lot easier if you had your memory" I said moving the bits of hair off her face and neck.

She jumped and flinched as I touched the back of her neck.

"Woah woah hun calm down, somebody hurt you because you are covered in bruises back here"

I could come up with a little piece of her story from just the bruises on her neck. The top of her neck was various different hand marks where as the bottom held obvious collar marks. She had to of been some kind of slave, it's very unlikely that she is of vampire blood.

I let out a whistle which called Joseph, the leader of our pack.

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