To war

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Days had passed and I was completely at peace. My hair had grown back and it was grown out to about the middle of my back. I was finally starting to feel like myself again and most importantly I was beginning to love myself.

Jai walked into the house where Sabal and I sat in front of the fire.

"Sabal, I've got some bad news" he said as he handed him a white letter with a red seal.

Sabal stepped away from the fire and red the letter with a serious expression on his face. He looked up with hell in his eyes as the glow of the fire reflected off his tan skin.

"If it's war they want, it's war they will get" said Sabal with anger.

"They attack at midnight" said Jai as he folded up the note and placed it on the kitchen table.

"That's in exactly 1 hour tho, do we have time to get prepared?" Continued Jai in a frantic tone.

"We will if we do our war cry" said Sabal

Sabal turned and looked at me with what only seemed like glowing eyes because the fire was still reflecting off his face.

"I'm not a man of war, Hope, I'm a gentle soul, but I must make them pay, stay here with my mother and sisters and I promise I will return in the morning hours, with that will come justice"

I ran up to Sabal and hugged his giant body. "Please don't go, they will kill you!" I sobbed in his manly arms as he held me close.

He smiled and held my chin up so I was facing him.

"My love, they are committing suicide by declaring war with me" he said with a reassuring smile.

With that him and Jai walked out side and sounded their war cry.

It instantly sounded as if the ground was shaking beneath me as I could hear the rumbling of stampeding horses running at top speed through the Forrest outside.

The sound of hundreds of war cries filled the air outside and it chilled me to the bone.

I crawled in bed and his family walked in the door and surrounded me.

Sabal's mother walked over to me and tied my hair in a bun.

"Darling, my sweet, poor soul, Sabal is a mighty man who does not back down" she said as she ran her fingers through my hair.

His sisters ran to the window to watch them all gather around the house. The ground stopped shaking for minutes but than shook again as they all took off through the woods for war. They carried axes and giant weapons and guns attached to the sides of their horses.

Sabal's mother sat by my side and covered me with blankets as she sang the song of the wolves that Sabal played me on his flute when I had my nightmare. It soothed me but I secretly wished that it was Sabal who sang it. I missed him already and he had only been gone a few hours.

Even tho he assured me that he would be back my mind told me that he wouldn't. I didn't wanna think negative but I couldn't help it. I couldn't help but think his love would be stolen by the same people who stole my life. They weren't even people they were monsters. Vicious monsters who wanted to take everything from me.

And the man who I love is now going to fight those monsters in my honor.

What a selfish girl I am to put him and all of them through that.

I'm not worth it, I'm not worth his love. I said to myself as I laid my head on the pillow. The women covered me with 3 blankets and continued to sing as I fell asleep to her soft singing.

I dreamt of Sabal and his loving eyes. His eyes which stared straight through my soul.

The man who is my hero is now going to war for me.

As I fell fast asleep I flew in sky's of stary skies. I climbed upon the clouds above but when I thought of what could happen to my true love I fell fast through the clouds.

As I reached to the stars in my desperate grasps to the heavens, I saw his beautiful face. His hands reached out but he drifted so far.

Just than I landed on the soft dewy grass where the fireflies flew, lighting up the Forrest with their light. They flew all around me and lifted me back in the air. Just than I saw the wolves.

The beautiful, beautiful wolves. It was them, Sabal, Jai and the rest of the strong men who went to war for me.

While they ran around me I could hear the sounds of the war sirens from the world where my sleeping body lay resting.

"Sabal!" I yelled with tears running down my face. Suddenly a wolf came walking up to me with eyes of pure honey and sugar. He morphed into my love and took my hands in his.

I didn't know if it were really his soul tapping into my dreams or if it were from earlier that night.

"My sweet, sweet love" he said in my ear ever so softly. "You worry too much" he said in such a way that it sounded like music.

I closed my eyes as he wrapped me in his arms.

"I will be there in the morning" he said with a wide smile.

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