Out of reach

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I awoke on the other side. I opened my eyes and it was still dark. I couldn't remember anything accept for the words "run" that echoed through my head over and over again. Something told me to look at the time so I did and the watch I clung to for dear life said 8:00 am.

As soon as I reached my feet I began to follow what the voice in my head told me to do and I ran as fast as I could.

I ran and ran and ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore. I stopped by a huge oak tree and collapsed to my knees catching myself with my hands in the dirt.

Breathing heavy to catch my breath I still couldn't remember anything. Feeling the back of my head it was wet and my hands were covered in blood.

"Was I attacked" I said out loud to myself as I began to limp across the Forrest. My watch said 8:58, I ran for an hour straight once I crossed apparently was thrown from the river.

And I still didn't even know why I was running.  I felt my body and looked at my hands trying to remember who I was and why I was here.

I was completely alone and terrified. But something told me not to yell or scream for help so I didn't.

Finally I reached a small gate that was open to another part of the Forrest where the birds sang and rain only trickled through the trees. The sign above the gate read "with open arms we welcome you to the great Forrest of Jazane.

I felt warm and welcome as I crossed the gate feeling and smelling the rain all around me. Joy swept over my body like a warm blanket.

The birds around me seemed as if they were singing right to me as I watched the orange sun rise from where the sky meets the land.

Where am I and who am I? I kept asking myself over and over but still got nothing. My arms and legs held scars I didn't remember and my entire body ached. And between my legs held a kind of ache that only meant one thing.

"Was I raped?" I whispered the grim question only to myself.

Just than a tall tan skinned man with brown eyes great big dimples at the corner of his lips and black hair as black as the midnight sky that fell all the way to the back of his knees emerged from the sunrise.

It was still dark but light enough to see his tan skinned beauty. His eyes held the color of earth within and his arms were thick and strong. He held the meaning of warmth within his eyes as he looked right at me from the distance stopping for a moment to tie his thick hair into a pony tail.

He stopped right in front of me and looked down at me with wonder. His voice was like midnight lightning that soothed my soul. Such a deep voice that echoed and made my soul sing with glee. I felt safe amongst the strong stranger.

His skin even glistened in the light of the rising sun.

"Who are you?" He asked in worry at my appearance.

I scratched my head and looked around and than back at him.

"I don't know" I said in confusion.

He raised a single brow and smiled with confusion.
"You, don't know who you are?" He questioned me one more

"I don't sir" as my body for some odd reason forced me to bow to my knees at his feet.

He stepped back and seemed uncomfortable as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking around confused like.

"Stand up hun, you don't have to bow to me" he said as he stretched his giant tan hands to meet my own. My hands were so much smaller and weaker than his as he pulled me to my feet with such comforting strength.

Our eyes met and he smiled a comforting smile exposing the most warming dimples upon the sun kissed skin.

"Come with me and I will figure out what or who has hurt you"
He said as he picked me up and carried me within his strong arms.

I was startled at the sudden touch and I could tell he was picking up on my fear as he lightened his grip on me.

"My name is Jai" he said as we continued to walk into what seemed to be the orange rays of the sun. We soon entered a small Forrest village with small homes and huts made of grass and mud. Some even sit layered beyond the every high tops of the trees.

Animals of all kinds ran our path and birds of many colors landed on his shoulders to lay kisses upon his skin. He didn't seem to mind and even whistled and spoke to them as if he could understand their language

heaven on earth.

Midnight [18+]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora