
139 8 1

Hopes POV

I closed my eyes and tried my best to ease my mind. It's been so, so land sense I've felt comfort yet I can't even enjoy it without worrying that it will be ripped from me. I turned around in Sabal's bed to face the door. It made me feel safe to know who's coming in and who's not. There was a single lit candle that filled the corner of the room with a comforting orange glow.

Sabal walks in the door way and slams the door behind him. He's carrying a whip.

"To your feet slut" he said as he cracks the whip at my feet.

Suddenly I wake up screaming at the top of my lungs. Sabal who was sitting in the corner of the room instantly gets up and runs to my side, kneeling down to my face.

"Hey hey heeey, shhhhh, everything's okay shhh shhh" he said as he stroked my hair holding me tightly against him.

Tears filled my face as sweat poured off my face. "But, but, you had a whip, you were going to rape me, I saw you, you, you, why, WHYYY!?" I screamed and whimpered as he rested his head on top of mine.

"No, no, be still, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here and nobody's going to hurt you, no whips, I promise" he said as he wrapped his own blanket tightly around me. I continued to whimper and sob while holding my knees against my chest.

"You know what?" He said as he grabbed a weird looking flute from his bedside drawer.
He climbed in bed with me and held me tightly in his arms as I continued to sob and shake violently. He began to softly play the flute and as the beautiful lullaby filled the room my sobs slowly turned into short bursts of gasps.

The music filled my ears and his embrace was so warm, it felt like my soul was being filled with milk and honey. His music sounded like a wolves song to the moon itself.

I watched the candle flame slowly melt the wax as it's orange flame seemed to dance right to the music he played with such passion. I looked up at the strong man who held me and his eyes were completely closed but yet he continued to play and hold me tight at the same time.

It was like his soul was comforting mine. I was at total peace with him.

I slowly lowered my head to his chest and closed my eyes, feeling his strong hands stroking my hair ever so gently. I rested my ear right in the middle of his chest and felt the beat of his heart. So strong, so warm. My whimpers and sobs soon stopped and I felt him gently pull my hair from my face, softly putting what hair I had into a pony tail. I didn't feel him leave the bed but I felt him gently washing the tears from my face with such kindness.

He ran the wet rag through my hair seeming like he was trying to get the tears out of my hair as well. He than adjusted my pillow and put a second blanket over my sleeping body.

"I'll be here in the morning" he whispered as I heard him softly walk back over to his kitchen table.

I woke to the sound of birds outside my window and the smell of something sweet. I looked over at Sabal who seemed to be cooking. His hair was wet and slicked back into a tight pony tail and his tan skin shimmered in the rays of the sun.

He must have heard me make a noise because he glanced at me from the corner of his eye. That was something I've only seen him do and it seems like something he does to let somebody know that he's alert and knows of their presence, I liked that about him.

He always showed great concern and I liked that feeling.

After side eyeing me, he calmly went back to what he was doing, shortly after he placed 2 plates of pancakes, sugar covered fruit with milk and honey on the table.

He sat down and glanced over at me "join me when ever you're ready" he said as he poured himself a hot cup of what looked to be black coffee. He continued "I didn't know if you liked coffee so I made you warm milk and honey instead" he said as he closed his eyes and took his first sip.

"I'm cold" I said shyly.

He glanced over at me from the corner of his eye in mid drink. "That's ok, bring the blankets to the table with you if you want, some mornings are colder than others"

I smiled slightly and walked over with my blankets, sitting down watching the heat rise from my food.

"Is everything okay?" He asked in a gentle tone.

"Yea, I just haven't had anything to eat in a while, I'm not used to it"

"If you don't wanna eat that's perfectly okay, but you may get really sick if you don't eat at least a little bit" he said with a gentle chuckle and a smile that brought out his dimples.

I slightly smiled back slowly eating small bites.

"I think I remember something else" I said shyly.

He looked up from his cup at me.
"Oh yea? Did you wanna talk about it?" He asked calmly

I looked down at my golden watch around my neck still not knowing how or why I have this.

"I remember being beat" I paused for a second.
"A lot" I continued as I continued to slowly eat more.

"Do you remember why you were beat?" He asked as he finished his food beginning to light himself a cigarette.

I stopped my sentence and stared at him with wide eyes, I suddenly got the urge to puke as he took a long drag, exhaling the smoke into the air.

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