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Hopes POV

We reached the village where Jai's home was. He walked me inside where I shyly sat in one of his kitchen chairs.

He sat down next to me setting materials inside a clean pan and setting it on the table next to me.

"I'm going to call a female friend of mine over here and she's going to preform a kit on you ok?" He spoke softly "do you know what a kit is" he asked gently.

I shook my head and looked around at every precious treasure and item he had in his home.

"Well a kit is where we take DNA from your private parts, we want to understand more about who or what hurt you" he explained being careful not to make eye contact with me.

"I haven't yet told you my name, my name is Joseph but my pack name is Sabal, they call me Joseph to outsiders unless they have my full permission to say my real name, as of right now you have my full permission to address me as Sabal or as Sab for short" he said as a beautiful women with long black hair entered his home with a knock. She sat next to us and asked me my name

"Hello my dear, we are so happy to welcome you into our family, my name is Mika and I'm here to help you as much as possible" she said with a warm smile.

Her eyes were comforting and held the gleam of the North Star. She looked like a women who could lead great voyages and bear many children. On her head was a red gem and her eyes stared into mine with sparkling seas of green crystals.

 On her head was a red gem and her eyes stared into mine with sparkling seas of green crystals

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She turned around and signaled for Jai and Sabal to leave and with respect they did.

"Let me know Mika if you need anything, you too Hun" he said as he than left the house.

Mika pulled out a swab and cleaned it with alcohol and placed it on the table.

So, I was told you don't remember what happened to you or how you got here, do you remember your name. She asked as she only parted my shorts to the side being careful not to violate me.

I shook my head and continued to look around with my hands in my lap. "I remember the word Hope and that I had crossed the river, and when I woke up my head was bleeding from the back" I said as I touched the back of my head. "Sab cleaned that up for me tho" I continued with a short smile"

"She nodded and quickly swabbed between my legs and placing it inside a little baggy, she did that several times placing each swab in a different baggy"

"Have you washed between your legs in the past 42 hours" she asked as she took the last swab

"I don't remember but I don't think so because I'm very itchy" I said with embarrassment.
She smiled "that's perfectly understandable hun if anything that's a good thing that you haven't washed yourself before I took the swabs, it makes it easier to help find who hurt you" she continued "it will make it even more easy if you try your hardest to remember"

That's the 2nd time they have mentioned me remembering something. I didn't know how to just remember but to help them as much as possible I guess I will do my best.

She called Sabal back into the house and than handed him the swabs where he placed them gently in his pocket. He sat down on the floor in front of me allowing the kind women to have his spot in the second chair.

"Do you know how old you are, Darling?"
Mika cutt him off. "She told me she remembers the word Hope"
He looked at her and than back up at me with his protective manly eyes.
"Did you wanna be called Hope" he asked with politeness.

I nodded my head shyly keeping my eyes on the ground.

"Ok Hope, how old are you, I'm going to say a series of numbers and witch ever one sounds familiar speak up" he started kindly saying numbers as he stepped to the side behind me with the swabs obviously studying what was on them.

"12, 11, 15, 14, 18, 19, 16" I cutt him off at 16 with a quick whimper and a loud yes as if I had just made a discovery. And he looked at me from the corner of his eyes and than finished with what he was doing.

"From what I could find the DNA found inside of her is consistent with the DNA of the royal vampires. She has been viciously raped by damn near every one of them" he said painfully.

Just than we heard the sound of horses against dirt and the sound of men. I heard the voices of men I recognized.

I jumped out of my seat and tried to run out of the house from fear of just their voices. Sabal quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "I know you recognize their voices but I don't think it's safe for you to go out there right now, we are unsure if they are the ones who have hurt you" he said with great tenderness

"I do recognize them, I know their names" I said as Sabal looked down at me.
"Tell me their names and who they are to you" he said as he sat on the floor in front of me.

"One name is Jay, and the only thing I remember of him is that I was forced to um" I couldn't finish without stumbling my words, tears swelled up in my eyes as for the first time I remembered the whole scene between me and Jay.

Sabal glanced at me and shook his head "no need to continue stay inside and I'll go get rid of them"

I trembled as Sabal walked out of the little house with his chest puffed out for intimidation.

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