Midnight dew

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Sabal's POV

The war was now over and peace was restored through the land for the most part. The stars were bright as Hope and I laid on the cliff over looking the land.

"Have you ever thought about going home" I asked hope as the moon reflected from her gaze at the sky.

She looked at me as her smile diminished. "When I was taken by the lord, I have no clue how far he took me, none of where we are is anywhere close to familiar and even the trees give a different vibe" she continued to explain.

"I'm from a small town that lay in the middle of 14 different cities, my town was called Summerville located in Wisconsin"

I side eyes the small girl than looked back to the sky.

"Mmm, I've never heard of it, it must be millions of miles from here, I know there is vampire land all over the globe same with wolf land, however the lords, kings and major leaders of our kinds live off the map in areas most humans don't even know exist"

Hope seemed to be day dreaming of her family as I watched her turn her head to look at me from the corners of my eyes.

"Sabal" she said softly.


"Do you believe my family misses me?" She asked in a slight sad tone.

I stretched my arm out as an invitation as the small girl cuddled up next to me.

"Well, I know if I were them, I sure as fuck would" I said as she laid her head in the crook of my neck.

"Tell me about your family love" I said as she sighed a lonesome sigh.

"My father and I used to try and count the stars when I was little, we used to pretend that airplanes were shooting stars and we wished for my mother to come back and love us again, my brothers and sisters grew up and went off to California, but would visit every year for Father's Day, Christmas and thanks giving"

She continued to tell her story as I silently watched the the moon rise to it's very peak.

"When I was just a little girl I used to wonder how the moon was able to stay in the sky without falling to earth"

I stared at the tiny girl and smiled.

"The moon is a magical ancestor of the wolves, the moon is what watches and guides us"

Hope closed one eye and pretended to hold the bright rock between her fingers as she rested her legs on top of mine.

"What do you think would happen if the moon one day disappeared" she asked

"Well, assuming the moon may some day go away, I feel that if life wasn't already long gone to miss its guidance, the world would be such a dark place, humans and life across earth would seen become blind as without a moon there could be no sun there for there would be no sun, day would never grace us with its light again and the moon would never protect us from the sting of darkness"

"Wow, how beautifully tragic" said the girl as she eventually laid her body on top of mine looking me in the eyes.

I rested my arms behind my head and watched as her beautiful hair flowed in the wind.

"Tell me the tale of Sabal" she said with a melody to her voice.

"Well, dear, believe it or not, I grew up in the Nordic mountains of Eden" I said I moved the hair from her face.

"What was Eden like?" She asked curiously as she traced her finger along my shirtless chest.

"Eden is a place far in the mountains where the pale, fanged wolves live, they look a lot like vampires and sometimes can be just as vicious, but they are strong and courageous warriors much like us, where we live off the land they live off the Gods, and their homes are made from the rock beneath"

The small girl twirled my hair in her fingers as I spoke.

"So do they live in castles?" She asked as she swung her bare feet behind her.

"They live in caves they dig within the rocks of the mountains, their whole society thrives off the mountains themselves, they are just much more religious"

"How come you guys don't live in peace with each other" she asked with wonder.

"There was a Great War long ago which caused our people to go separate ways, a war much greater than the one I fought for you"

"The Nordics wanted to close off the land to every outsider as us southerners wanted to welcome with open arms, now days the Nordics want peace and even tho they are much more strict with who enters, they are still welcoming and kind, we remain civil" I explained as I turned over and laid over top of her small body.

She smelled of such midnight dew.

"Sabal" she sighed a content sigh.

I placed a kiss upon her lips.

"Do you love me yet?" She asked with desperation.

I smiled as closed my eyes for a split second before chuckling softly with my lips resting upon hers before looking down into her eyes.

"I do"

Midnight [18+]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon