Sabals bravery

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Sabal's POV

Hope and I laid by the fire in my home and drank cup after cup of hot tea.

She sat peacefully in my lap as the midnight sounds echoed and the night air graced us with its fresh breeze.

I glance at the window as the ground began to ruble under us.

Just than one of the pack burst through the door in exhaustion from running and handed me a scroll a letter with a black seal of the Nordic stamp.

I read the letter carefully and hung my head in sadness as I stood to my feet reading it out loud.

"We the Nordic pack have received young a young refugee and a small child who has escaped lord Charles, we are bracing for invasion and call upon your strongest warriors and most worthy healers within your land, we urge you to make the travel to the Nordic mountains with your most deadly weapons and poison coated swords, we will be humbly waiting your presence with our brave healers and men and our most powerful weapons, women and children are not to come as we must protect our innocent, safe travels and welcoming thank you's"

I looked to the man who gave me the letter.

"Ready our men and sound our war cry, we will not abandon our Nordic neighbors in such times of hardship" I said with power in my voice.

Hope looked up at me in fear "Sabal, please don't leave me" said she with a tremble in her sweet voice.

I knelt down to the small girls size and kissed her forehead.

"Darling, I have to go for I am the most powerful healer in my land"

Tears rolled down her face as her beautiful blue eyes swelled with sorrow and fear.

"I can't loose you Sabal"

I smiled what I hoped to be more of a warming smile than the fear I felt inside.

"I'm a tough man sweetheart, nobody is going to kill me without one hell of a fight" I said as I held her small body close.

I gave her a necklace which hung around my neck and wrapped it to where it was a choker around hers so that it wouldn't get tangled in Jai's wolf pendant.

"When ever you miss me, I want you to tightly hold this and think of the promise I made to protect you with my life ok?"

The girl nodded her head and held the pendant within her tiny hand, squeezing it until her hands grew white with her hold.

"But what if I already miss you" said said with such sorrow.

"You can't miss somebody who hasn't left yet dear" I said with a chuckle.

"I will set out once you are asleep and I will return in 3 days" I said as I wrapped her hair with my hair tie.

"Be a good girl, darling, and when I get back I will dance with you under the full moon and play the Nordic song for you"

She nodded her head as a single tear ran down her face.

As a few hours went by we finished our dinner and she laid within my bed. I covered her with 3 blankets and kissed her on the cheek.

She sorrowfully turned around and closed her eyes tight only pretending to sleep so that she wouldn't have to watch me walk out the door.

I picked up my arrows and gun and with silent sadness walked out the door to join my men who waited on their horses. As I readied my horse for the journey I turned around and noticed Hope looking out the window as I left.

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