The wolf king

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Hopes POV

Days had passed sense the war and Jai's body was inspected by the pack.

Sabal's father came from the mountains to pay his respect but he was confused.

King Ash walked through the land and bowed his head at the mighty men till at last he was standing in front of Sabal who held me in his arms in front of him. I didn't look the king in the eyes but instead I faced forward and was as still as possible as they spoke.

The king was a big man who reminded me of a vampire. He smiled at his son and even had fangs and pale skin. But there was something different about him. He had color to his skin and not just paleness. His hair was her black and his eyes were bright, bright blue.

"My faithful son, I am proud of you, but tell me, what has caused the war" he said with confusion.

Sabal looked down at me, the obviously nervous girl in his arms.

"Father, The fearless warrior, Jai, about a month back had found a beautiful but lost girl in our land who was obviously running, she had no memory of what had happened to her but in the process of helping her I took her under my wing of protection"

The king stood up straight and smiled a proud smile. "What a faithful protector my son is" he said as he tapped his sword on both of Sabal's shoulders.

"She eventually remembered what her tormentors did to her and told me everything, but by that time the vampires who savagely raped the poor girl had already declared war" explained Sabal "I wanted to keep peace within our territory's, but I could not rest until justice was served" continued Sabal as the king stood tall with sorrow written on his face.

"Very well my son, is this the beautiful girl you speak of" he said as he only glanced down at me trying not to frighten me.

Sabal ran his fingers through my hair and nodded proudly at his father the king.

The king than knelt down to my size and placed a kiss on my forehead in acceptance.

"What a beautiful and brave soul the universe has given my mighty son to protect and heal" he said as he grabbed my hands in his.

"My youngest son Jai, I understand has given his life for you" he said as he looked to the heavens with a proud smile.

"My children have done such great things in the name of my land and in the name of the innocent, I am such a lucky man to have raised such bravery" he said as he stood up once again facing the coffin that held Jai's body.

We stood in a line as the coffin was brought down the center and set in the middle. None of the men around me cried but they all stood tall and proud of the fallen man.

Sabal lead me over to another pack member who held me with respect in front of him the way Sabal did and than he walked up to the front and stared down at us from the top of the coffin.

"My fearless brother used to love the Nordic fairy tails and music, in his honor I will play the Nordic lullaby on top of his grave" he said as the coffin was slowly lowered and buried.

Sabal stood on the pile of dirt and closed his eyes beginning to play the beautiful music that he said his brother so enjoyed.

The man who held me began to slightly shake with sorrow but still when I looked up at him his face remained straight and brave as not a single tear escaped his eyes. But I'm sure in private he has cried many tears.

"We shall never hold hard feelings towards the girl in our presence as we made a promise to protect her with our lives, and that is exactly what Jai has done, and for that he is a hero"

One of the men from the back walked up and knelt down to my size with a wooden wolf necklace with blue crystal eyes.

"This was the necklace that Jai wore on his body, he would have wanted you to have it"

He said as he placed it around my trembling neck.

"I I I am not worthy, he lost his life because of me" I said as a tear rolled down my face.

The man smiled and wiped my face with both of his hands.

"Darling, the brave do not shed tears" he said as he tied the necklace to where it hugged my neck snug.

"Instead we hold our heads up and bare our scars with pride" he said as he traced the scar on my stomach.

"Just because you hold many, does not make you weak, and just because Jai has died, does not mean it was your fault" he said as he lifted my chin.

"You are our brave and worthy friend and member of this family" he said as he stood up and bowed his head to me before walking away.

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