The big news

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The morning after Sabal's return I was throwing up and I had noticed that I missed my period.

I felt like something was different and took a test that one of the women had given me in private as I wasn't sure yet.

To my pleasure and to my fear the test had read positive. There was mixed emotions in the air as I slowly approached the strong man who made love to me under the full moon.

"Sabal" I said with shyness and he side eyed me from the fire place adding more wood to the fire.

I stood in front of the strong man and grabbed both of his hands as he looked down at me with nothing but manly love. His eyes never failed to make make me feel so loved as drops of honey within them filled my soul with such peace and happiness.

He smiled with his dimples and hugged my tiny body placing his strong hands gently upon my butt.

I looked up at the gentle giant and smiled as I spoke.

"Sabal" there was a long silence as we stood within the light of the flames.

"I'm pregnant"

Sabal's smile stretched from ear to ear as he quickly wiped the tear that tried to escape his eyes. He didn't like to cry for any reason but sometimes he couldn't control his happiness.

He lifted me in his arms and spun me around with joy.

We both laughed and fell upon the ground where he laid over my small body and kissed my lips with a smile.

"I'm going to be a dad" he just about sang out with joy" he kept repeating it over and over as if he couldn't believe it.

" my beautiful Hope is going to be a mom" he said once more as he rubbed my belly that wasn't yet showing.

"I can't believe that you are all mine" he said as he threw his head back with joyous laughter.

He grabbed my hand and we ran out the door and through the woods where we once danced under the stars above, accept this time we were completely alone.

He held me within his arms and I placed my bare feet on top of his.

We both took off our shirts and danced like we loved to do so that our skin was pressed together as one. He held my body close to his as the fireflies surrounded our dancing bodies. The smell of summer rain filled the air as cherry blossoms from the other side of the land flew across the air and landed in our hair.

Sabal got on one knee and looked up at me.

His honey eyes graced me with their presence once again.

"Hope, will you merry me" he said as he held out a beautiful ring.

I cried tears and joy and covered my face only showing my eyes.

"I will, I will, I will" I repeated with happiness as Sabal hugged my small body.

He kissed my lips and stood me to my feet kissing me under the full moon.

We danced and he sang to me the song of the nordics before slowly backing me into a tree tracing the skin on my chest.

He smiled and pressed his bare skin against mine kissing my neck.

With that our love was made again as our moans filled the night.

Midnight [18+]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum