The search

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Lords X POV

I looked to the other horrified vampires. "Nobody is to touch her body until I get back later, I will dispose of it once I find my slave" I said with bitterness.

"If anybody lays a hand on her they shall meet the same fate" I hissed as I glared at every vampire and every servant.

I glanced at the 2 vampire men (Jay and Luke) who held her body.

"Retrieve me the child, she shall be used to as bate, humans don't like when a child is threatened"

The vampire men quickly ran down the hall and to the child's bedroom and I calmly followed behind.

I could hear them speaking softly to the child from the other side.

Luke's POV

she looked up at me and smiled. "Where is Lilith?" She asked innocently. As Jay stepped in to sooth her. I rolled my eyes at his kindness.

I pushed Jay aside and knelt down to the child and held her hand "Lilith had very important business to take care of for me, she won't be back sweaty" I said with gentleness. I had no problem lying to a child and I didn't care about her tears.

The child began to sob and hug me.
I didn't care for human emotions but I knew I couldn't hurt something so small and so innocent as a child.

"You will be going with us on an adventure ok?" I asked the child.

She looked up at me wiping her tears nodding her head.

Lords POV

I handed the 2 men a flying drone. "This has 58 sets of battery's and they can be found in this sack, I want you to keep track of the charge while it's in the air and land it as soon as it's going dead to replace the battery's. While it's charged I want you to fly it over vampire territory AND wolf territory once you have found the girl I want you to send the drone and it's footage right my way and than you head over the river and retrieve what is mine. If she refuses I want you to do whatever you want to this child to get my slave to go with you" I said being sure the child holding their hands didn't hear me.

The 2 men and child walked out the door and I could hear the sound of the drone lifting into the air.

Sir men, Luke & Jay's POV

We flew the drone high into the air and watched the footage on our phones as we walked across the vast Forrest. Not a single person in sight. It seemed like hours and hours that we were walking. Jay held Neigha on his hip as we walked and I held our guns and weapons.

"Didn't lord once say our vampire powers are powerless out of vampire territory" asked Luke with concern.

Jay answered with worry
"Yea I think that's why lord is so worried that she stumbled upon the wolves, we by land laws are not permitted to step foot on their land or else it can cause a war, but our lord seems perfectly set on retrieving what is his no matter the consequences" he said as he pushed the child high on his side making sure she was steady.

The child slept soundly through the night as we walked and we were ordered not to sleep or stop until the slave was found.

We have already replaced the batteries several times in our search and still came up no luck.

"It's possible she died from the elements and is out there somewhere but the lord will still want proof of her death" Said Luke rolling his eyes with annoyance.

We reluctantly stopped at the river 7 hours later and quietly flew the done high above the trees in search.

We couldn't find nothing at first until we saw the flames of small house lights and even small bon fires within the fronts of their homes.

We scanned the area as quietly as we could yet finding no sign of humans near by.

Just than we heard gun shots and our drone was shot down. We watched it crash to the ground.

"We have to cross this river Jay" said Luke as Jay lifted the child on his shoulders.

"The water is at low tide so we should be able to safely cross" said Luke making his way across the river slowly as I followed behind him with child on shoulders.

The water came up to about our hips.

"I'd hate to see what would happen to the slave if she crossed this river, she can't be alive this hunt is basically a suicide mission, Lucifer only knows what the lord will do to us if we fail" Luke said as the child on his neck slept soundly cuddling his head in her arms.

We walked for hours within wolf territory before 3 tanned skin men much taller and stronger than us emerged from the Forrest with weapons.

"You vampires must be lost, you know we are within rights to kill you at sight" said one of the men.

"Yes and we are within our rights to retrieve our sex slave who has escaped our territory" said Luke as We stood trying to make ourselves seem bigger.

"You have no rights on this side of the river and if we found your sex slave she is legally ours, where she is out of harm of men like you" they said with disgust.

"We aren't leaving" we said with what power we still had.

The man in front laughed a hardy laugh and turned around.
"Fine than your coming with us foolish travelers" they mocked our accents.

"Gladly" we said mocking theirs back.

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