Lucifers prayer

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POV of lords army.

We finally reached a land within the Forrest that was covered in dead trees and black ash. The land was covered with a blanket of black skies and the ground shook violently as the skies opened themself with vicious strikes of lightning and loud booms of thunder that lit the sky with pure flashes of light.

We looked to the sky with horror.

Dom the man I had met earlier within our journey looked over at me as lightning flashed within his brave eyes.

"It looks like rain" he said as he looked up shading his eyes from the rain the began to lightly fall.

We continued to slowly walk within the dead land as many for some reason decided to put their metal heads on with such a quickness.

Within a flash thunder struck the sky again and rain began to pour.

"Acid rain!!!" Screamed men as we began to feel our skin burning under the the deathly rain.

Dom and I quickly put our metal heads on as we silently listed to the putter patter of the rain against our steel armor.

We quickly marched within the land kicking the dust beneath our feet as we saw the beautiful purple, green and pink lights the lit up the Nordic sky's ahead.

"There it is men" said one the men who marched beside us.

"Tonight we will reach those mountains and only hope that what lies within those mountains won't kill us at sight"

The strong man looked to the sky.
"Dear Lucifer the all mighty lord of fire, give me your grace and strength for the pain ahead, guide me and use me at your will" he prayed a melody of deathly sorrow.

We all bowed our heads and traced an upside down cross within the base of our chests before we bravely continued to our journey.

Once we reached the Nordic lands we could hear the sounds of the chanting and war cries.

They were ready for us and this wasn't good.

We couldn't see them and we knew not all of them were there or could even see us yet but we hid behind the trees and rocks readying ourselves for when they did.

They sang songs that sounded like the howls of wolves and their voices were of thunder and lightning.

A few other men used their quiet guns to end their lives right before the invasion and the rest of us sharpened our steel blades.

Most of us know we will parish but we didn't wanna die cowards so we still stood brave under our mighty armor.

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