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The room was pitch black and the lord was sound asleep I looked at the clock above and it said 12:03. I need to meet Zan in 2 minutes.

I knew Zan said lord is a heavy sleeper but I was quiet just in case as I slowly slipped out the door without making a sound.

Zan stood at the end of the hall.
"I'm so sorry for what happened to you at dinner" he said with pity.
"Don't be I'm used to it please just help me"
"As you wish" he said as he opened the door behind the picture.

"Once you reach the exit I want you to run as fast as you possibly can, run until you seen the great river and once you cross I want you to run even further just to be safe. Once you have reached the other side of that river you are out of vampire territory and their powers will no longer work at all they are powerless passed that river but they may still look for you" he said as he placed a golden time watch around my neck.

"Use this to keep time, if you haven't long crossed the river by 9:00 in the morning they will find you and kill you"

I nodded my head as he lifted me into the hole.

"I wish you the best of luck and I won't let them notice your missing until morning, by than you should be passed the river"

He shut the door and I was completely on my own. It was dark cold and wet but I knew freedom lay on the other side.

I crawled for hours and my knees began to ache until finally I was able to stand up and walk. I was still bare foot so the water below soothed my feet.

I prayed to my God as I traveled and thanked his for the kind stranger he sent me.

I at last reached a wooden door witch I forced open. I almost cried when the other side was a vast sky of stars and the big bright full moon. I stepped out on the fresh dewy grass and quietly made my way into the vast dark Forrest.

I looked at the time and was happy to see that I had only be traveling the tunnels for 3 hours.

The night was quiet and that made it easier for me to listen and see. I used my feet to feel for vibrations and quickly remembered that I needed to run and run fast so I did.

The sticks and stones cutt at my feet but I didn't care not one single bit. After a while I could smell the metal smell of blood on my feet. That will certainly leave a trail.

I cutt pieces of fabric off my shirt and tied it to my feet as shoes and surprisingly it felt so much better.

I continued to run and I even picked the bushes for berry's along the way for extra energy.

I could hear the owls in the trees and their sweet songs lulled my weary mind as I desperately ran refusing to stop even for a second only slowing down an inch for berry's.

I got so tired that I even began to catch myself running with my eyes closed and my vision was blurry.

I whispered dear God don't let me fail and it gave me just a little bit more energy to keep going. Looking to the sky I prayed to the stars for their strength to carry me out.

The sky looked down at me and I could swear the moon was singing my name. I could hear the song of the moon in even the wind and in the sound that the trees made as the air blew through them. I heard my name.

At last I reached the river and my mouth was so dry and covered with berry's. I stopped for just a quick second to drink from its cool water and desperately swam across. I looked at my clock and the time was 6:00 am as I continued swimming. Just than the current picked up violent and I was tossed through out the river.

Going under the water I tried to reach the top but kept going under from the rapid waves crashing in and out.

I called out for my God as finally the sight of a giant rock left my heart broken. I smashed against the rock and everything went black. Silence and warmth swept over me as I could feel the cooling water carrying me. It felt like the angels were carrying my broken body right where it needed to go and I was at peace with that. I couldn't move couldn't speak, didn't even know if I was alive and if I was dead I was perfectly ok with that as well.

The smell of water and dew was all I could smell. Until at last I knew I wasn't moving anymore.

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