The nordic army

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Nordics POV

We lead the stranger and child to our caves by sun down we made it and treated his burns and made sure the child wasn't harmed.

Zane tenderly washed the dirt from the child's face and placed her in his bed to rest as he wrapped the young mans face to where only his glassy glazed over eyes could be seen.

"How much can you see through your eyes?" Asked Zane as he shone a light through on his face.

The man stared forward and moved his eyes as if he was trying his hardest to see.

"I can't see anything but black" he said expressionless.

"Have you cried sense the rain hit your eyes" he asked still inspecting his white eyes.

"Men don't cry" he simply responded as he stood tall.

Zane grabbed a glass and filled it with water and alcohol. "This is going to hurt, but I'm hoping it will give you at least a perception of light and dark" he said as he gently poured it in the mans eyes.

The man screamed and whaled in pain balling his hands in fists. His sorrow echoed through the night and broke our hearts as his pain was heavy.

The sleeping child woke up and ran over to Zane viciously beating at his legs.

"STOP IT, YOUR HURTING MY BROTHER!!!" She screamed as Zane looked down at the weak child.

"I'm trying to wash your brothers eyes so he can see again" he said as he knelt down to her size and kissed her little nose.

The sobbing child sniffled her nose and looked up at him with innocent mixed with fear of him.

He smiled at her and wiped her tears from her little face. "Be still hun, go and rest in my bed, I can promise your little soul that I will not hurt your big brother" he said as he calmly walked her back to his bed covering her with his blankets. He turned around with a sigh as she hid her little face under the blankets still sobbing.

"Listen, if you stop crying, I'll come back tonight and sing you a song" the little girl stopped crying and peeked her tear filled eyes from under his blankets. "Do we have a deal?" He asked as he smiled gently. The child nodded her head and whispered with shyness. "Yes sir"

Zane walked back over to the man who was in great pain and looked into his glassy eyes that had bits of grey blue and brown showing through.

"What can you see?" He asked as he stood in front of his holding different fingers up in his face.

"I can see colors and broken shapes but that's all" he said with a deep voiced tremble.

"That's good, but that's all I can restore of your vision, you will learn in time how to get around with what sight you have" he said as he set the alcohol mixed water on the table next to him. He grabbed a rag and dried the skin and wrappings around his face.

He turned around again and asked another couple questions. "How old are you and how old is your sister?"

"I am 25 and my sister is 8" replied the man as he closed his glassy eyes.

"I'm assuming the new lord will want to invade us in order to find you guys, if so are you strong enough to fight in our army?" He asked as Zane began to sharpen a long sword.

The tired man sighed and rested his head to the side in exhaustion.

"If it means the safety of my little sister, I'll do what ever I have to do"

Zane smiled but frowned after. "That's very brave of you, but if they invade we will have to call in the healers and the warriors of the southern Forrest pack, that includes chief Sabal. He is a strong warrior, leader and healer within the Forrest tribes, but after we have to send you and your sister back with him so that the new lord does not further attack our lands"

The weak man nodded his head and slumped backwards in his chair with exhaustion and before he even knew it he was asleep.

Zane turned around to face us and stood tall and brave. " get our armor and our horses ready, sharpen our blades, load every one of our machine guns and alert the southern forests, tell them to ready their strongest healers and coat our arrows with the most deadly poison, we aren't going down without a fight"

He said as he took out every piercing on his face.

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