Found Family

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I wanted to write a chapter that's a little like the last one in the way that it's about Max meeting Lucas's parents for the first time but it's a little more intimate...aka the party isn't there😩🙏🏻 (okay for some reason Wattpad deleted the fucking chapter hello?)

Also I'm a huge perfectionist so I may or may not have looked back on my calendar to proof check the dates in this chapter...

This chapter is post season 3 and based on the leaked set photos some point just before during or post season 4 since it's rumoured to be set in April

Includes: Elmax friendship, Lumax relationship, Erica and Max friendship (kinda) and Lucas and his family bonding with Max :)
Okay enjoy!

The Hargrove Residence
Friday April 4th 1986

The redhead lay on top of her rainbow bed sheets. Twisting and turning trying to make herself comfortable. She was hot and sweaty which she found completely odd considering it was a pretty cold day in the middle of spring.

She sat up panting and looked around her room. As she looked over at her desk she saw the telephone her mom had given her for her birthday. She didn't even think about how late it was as she dialled the number she knew all too well.

The phone rang for about thirty seconds before Max started to panic. She had to be awake, she's a teenager and it's 11pm on a Friday for gods sake.



"Hi Ms Byers is El awake?"

"Let me go check honey"

"Great, thank you"

She tapped her foot on the ground before sitting back down on her bed. Resting her face in one hand and the other held the silent device.


"El! Hi"

"Is everything okay?"

"Are you in your room?"


"Okay good um"

"Is everything okay?" She repeated.


"Yeah everything's fine listen I need a little advice"

"From me?"


"Okay I'll try my best, what's up?"

"So Lucas hasn't told his parents we're dating yet because he said if they find out they're gonna want to meet me and he doesn't know if I'm ready for that..."

"And the problem?"

"Well the problem is I do want to meet them but that's so scary. What if they hate me? I'm not exactly the kinda girl parents would want their son bringing home"

She self consciously moved her hand up to her left ear to twist the three helix piercings she had given herself.

"Max I bet they'd love you"

We're not kids anymore - Lumax OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora