Now and Always

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Elevens POV

I feel so bad for Max...she was my best friend and she lost her brother. Well stepbrother but she just calls him her brother now. His funeral was a few years ago now but she just seems to be getting worse. We started Senior year this year and I'm not too popular. Max is the popular girl in school but she's not the typical rich, mean, bitchy girl that you see in the movies. She's kind to all of the people in our school because she's been in all of their positions. She's been a weirdo, a freak, a nerd, a geek, a cheerleader, the popular girl and the theatre kid. She is still popular, a cheerleader and a theatre kid but somehow everyone loves her. I feel like she is still hurting and it hurts me to watch her in pain. I know Lucas is helping her cope and I'm so grateful.

"Does Max seem a little weird to you?" I asked Mike one day.
"Yeah, she's not arguing with me anymore..." he said.
"No, seriously I think there's something wrong.." I trailed off.
" I know that's what I'm thinking, she used to argue with me all the time. But now" he paused "now it seems like she doesn't have the strength anymore..."
he looked like he was about to cry.
"Hey, what's up Mikey?" I asked, I'm really confused now.
"I was so mean to her before and I...I really like her," he continued, "not in the way that I like you but I do." I hugged him.
"Hey it's alright,why don't you tell her?" I suggested.
"Yeah maybe I will," he said, as he began to walk away. I thought back to what he told me last time 'why should I care I'm not her friend' I was mad at him for saying that but I can't be mad anymore after what he just told me.

Mike's POV

I walked up to Max, she was sitting alone on the bleachers. I assumed that's where she'd be since she's a cheerleader and all.
"Hey Max," I said, she looked up at me and I could tell she'd been crying. "What's wrong?"
"Why would you care?" She questioned.
"Look," I put my hand on her shoulder and to my surprise she didn't move away, "Whatever is bothering you, you can tell me."
"You," She said. What? "I don't get it, why do you hate me so much?" She said looking away. "Wait don't answer that question if it's going to go the way it did before..."
"I don't hate you," I said, she looked at me with one eyebrow raised, "I never did, I just...I missed El when I first met you and then I was mad at you for taking her away from me but you didn't you were showing her the world and I can't thank you enough for that..." I took a deep breath in.
"You really think that?" She asked.
"I do..." she smiled then she seemed distracted.
"What were you coming to talk to me about?"
"I came to see how you are and I was going to tell you... I really like you as a friend and I really hope we can be just that...friends."

Max's POV

"To call you my friend would be an honour Michael."
"Same here Maxine." He said I laughed. I hate being called Maxine but I called him Michael so I deserve it. "What do you say? Friends?"
"Now and Always?..."
"Now and Always."

Janelle that shit bussin- Soph🥸

[this chapter has been edited]

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