Hope ur okay <3

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To celebrate Olivias new album I wanted to write a few song chapters and this song is so fucking perfect for my Nate Walker (Max's canon Childhood Best Friend) head canon. This also includes Ben and Eddie (Max's other canon best friends) also Nate being gay is just a head canon, Anygays enjoy!!


Max, Nate, Ben and Eddie were laying on the highest hill in their town, looking over the ocean.

"hey lets do something fun" Nate suggested.

"Sure like what?" Max questioned.


And so they did.

They stayed in the woods outside Max's house all day, building a small ramp out of her stepdads hammer and spare nails along with some scrap wood they found.

A few months after that Ben and Eddie stopped hanging out with them. Saying something about Max's Stepbrother scaring them.

Nate called them pussies for it but only a few weeks later Billy broke his arm while hanging out with his friends and Nate stopped talking to her too.

She couldn't blame him.

They would see each other in school sometimes but that was pretty much it. She went home every night and cried over him. Her best friend. The boy that trusted her enough to come out to her. The boy who confided in her. Was now the boy who no longer needed her.

April 1986

Max was laying in Lucas's bed. They had been cuddling after an argument and not long after his breathing became heavier and his body relaxed against hers. But she couldn't sleep.

They had been fighting over Billy. He asked her if she was okay after her daily session with the school counsellor and she flipped on him. She didn't mean it but she didn't feel like opening up considering she had just spent the past hour talking about him.

The argument reminded Max of her friends from California. She wasn't sure why but it did and it scared her.

She rarely thought about Nate anymore because when she did it still stung the way it did when their friendship ended.

Her head was swimming with memories of her life in California.

I knew a boy once when I was small

When Her and Nate were playing in the ocean with their dads, who were work friends, when they were three.

A towhead blonde with eyes of salt

When Max and Nate started Preschool.

He played the drum in the marching band

When they first discovered the Rolling Stones.

His parents cared more about the bible

When she started noticing that he looked at other boys the way he was told to look at girls.

Than being good to their own child

We're not kids anymore - Lumax OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now