You're Late

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A  parallel to the opening scene of stranger things 3, but set in 1988 and it's Lumax :) small spicy scene, no smut as per.

Mayfield Trailer
Hawkins, Indiana
July 1988

Max laughed lightly against her boyfriend's lips, pulling him closer as she ran her fingers through his hair. She could feel his small smile as he deepened the kiss, he had a hand on her lower back and one on the side of her face. She pulled away slightly, just enough to speak. "Change the song." She said quietly, grabbing onto his hand while he leaned over to skip to the next song, the opening notes of hungry eyes beginning to play. She scrunched her nose slightly in fake disgust. He knew she was lying about hating that movie.

She leaned in again, bringing their lips together and placing a hand on the back of his neck. He leaned back on the bed, pulling her down with him as he wrapped his arms around her gently. Her hands moved to the sides of his face as she flipped her hair out of the way. His breathing got heavier as she became rougher with her kisses, giving him minimal time to catch his breath. He was the one to pull away this time, laying down fully and inhaling deeply. She laughed at his laboured breathing as he tried to steady himself. He narrowed his eyes at her sarcastically.

"Are you laughing at my struggles?" He asked, furrowing his brows at her. She nodded confidently, smirking down at him, he shook his head in response. "You're mean." He groaned, sitting upright. He held onto her thighs as he did, steadying her on top of him. He watched as her eyes shifted to the alarm clock next to her bed, they widened in shock. He followed her line of sight to the clock, reading 8:05. They had made plans to meet the others at 8.15. They rushed off of the bed, Lucas grabbing his shirt off the floor as Max reached into her closet to grab a shirt. She smirked slightly as an idea came to her, her hand lingered on the shirt she was about to grab. She lowered her hand a picked out a black tank top with thin straps, it was cut pretty low which is why she had only ever worn it to bed. She grinned mischievously as she pulled it on over her bra.

When she turned back around, she watched her boyfriends eyebrows raise in shock. She faked a confused expression before leaning over in front of them, perhaps intentionally, to pick up her keys from the hoodie she had discarded on the floor earlier when Lucas arrived. She spun the key ring loop around her finger as Lucas checked his hair in the mirror before grabbing her free hand and letting her lead him to the car.

The Hawk Movie Theatre
Hawkins, Indiana

"You're late." Mike complained, crossing his arms as Will, El, Dustin and Suzie stood behind him. Max stifled a laugh at Will's fed up expression as Mike complained the entire way into the building.
"God you're such a drama queen, we probably just missed the trailers." Max groaned, pulling herself closer to her boyfriend as he wrapped an arm around her. El and Suzie held hands as they watched their boyfriends talk about the movie they were about to watch, rolling their eyes occasionally when they got too nerdy.

"I don't even get the rush we've seen Star Wars like a million times." Will mused, hanging back to walk with Max and Lucas as Dustin and Mike charged ahead.
"Because it's out in 3D and you know we never get 3D movies here." Mike explained, "Shit we don't have popcorn!" He exclaimed stopping just before the door to go into the movie.
"I'll get some," Max said, gesturing for Lucas to come with her.
"No! No no You two," he pointed two fingers at the couple. "Aren't going anywhere. We waited long enough for you to just get here in the first place. El can you and Suzie get it?" He asked, handing her some money as she nodded.

When they got inside, it was empty and the ads were almost over. Mike and Dustin celebrated quietly amongst themselves as they tried out all the seats to find the best place. Lucas and Max sat in the middle of the very back row. Once they had put everything down and settled into their seats, Lucas informed her that he'd be back and made his way over to Will. "Hey Man, small favour. Could you sit with El and Suzie down front? I'd love to sit with you but something tells me Max isn't gonna wanna stay the whole time and I don't want you sitting back here alone." He explained, keeping his volume low as Mike and Dustin found good seats.
"Of course! Yeah I'll sit down front with them." He smiled, shaking his head as Lucas thanked him, and made his way to the front row.

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