Don't Blame Yourself

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tw// sexual assault/harassment

January 21st 1986
Hawkins High School

A paper ball flew across the room towards the back corner, smacking the redhead scribbling in her notebook. The room went silent.

Max looked up and caught Justin's eye. She grabbed it off of the floor walked over to him and extended her hand.

"This yours?"

"Uh, yeah," he said sheepishly.

She flattened the paper out and shredded it before dropping the ripped up pieces on his desk.

She walked back to her seat.

The teacher began to speak again and her classmates stopped staring at her but she was still slightly on edge. Troy Walsh slowly shuffling his chair towards her desk, shockingly, wasn't helping.



"You looked lonely," he said, answering the silent question he knew she was thinking.

"I'm fine."

They both turned back to the board.

Lucas had told her stories about Troy and his antics towards the party.

After the Teachers stopped explaining the task she told them to have partner discussions about the lesson.

"Shit! I wasn't listening," Troy groaned.

"She was talking about conjunctions and their importance."

"Whats a conjunction?"

"God, go back to elementary school."

"What is it though?"

"Words used to like extend a sentence."

He looked at her, puzzled.

"Words like: And, But, therefore and because."


They sat quietly for a while.

"You're cute Mayfield."


He just smirked and placed his hand on her thigh, she flinched.

"What the hell dude!" She whisper yelled, trying not to make a scene.

"Come on, you know you like it." He lifted his hand higher.

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" She smacked him over the head with the textbook.

"Miss Mayfield! Principals office, now!"

"But- He harassed me!"


"HES FUCKING HARASSING ME!" She yelled as she stormed out into the hall. No way was she going to the principal.

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