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Little glimpse of what my new lumax book is gonna be like!

The Sinclair Residence
New York City, New York
December 1994

There was a knock at the bedroom door as Max and Lucas lay in bed. She looked up at her husband, confused, before she turned to look at the door. "What's up?" She asked as the door handle shook, a sign of struggle, before it opened. The pair watched as it opened more, revealing their two oldest kids. They had shy expressions on their faces as they stood in the doorway. "What's wrong?" Max asked, her eyebrows furrowing in concern.

The 4 year old twins approached the bed as Max sat up, reaching her arms out to welcome them onto the bed. "We missed you." Abi replied, climbing over Max to lay on Lucas's chest. Max smiled lightly as she pulled Zach close to her. They sat, propped up against the headboard while holding the twins. "Daddy? Can we watch a movie?" Abi asked, mumbling into her dads chest. He looked to Max who shrugged at him,
"Course we can baby, go help Zach pick a movie." He said, watching as she shook her head and held him tighter.
"Zach can pick," she said as Lucas wrapped his arms around her.
"You sure?" He asked, she nodded as she buried her face in his neck. He pouted at Max as he gestured to the young girl with his head.

Max smiled gently as she got out of bed to help Zach look through the movies. He smiled at her as she knelt down, putting a hand on his shoulder as he sounded out the words written on the VHS cases. She beamed at him as he began to read them out correctly, "Well done baby," She whispered enthusiastically, ruffling his hair slightly. He giggled as she kissed his forehead,
"Mama? Can we watch Aladdin?" He asked, showing her the tape. She nodded, inserting the tape into the player and grabbing his hand.

She led him back to the bed and lifted him onto it, he crawled up to Max's pillow waiting for her to lay there so he could cuddle her. Once she lay down on the bed he climbed onto her, wrapping his arms around her neck and kissing her cheek. She giggled softly and kissed him back on the cheek before showering him with kisses all over his face.

Lucas watched as they continued to joke around together and giggle. He reverted his attention back to his daughter who was sitting in his lap, her full attention on the small screen in front of the bed. He watched her shoulders rise as she took in a deep breath, holding it for a while as she watched a particularly suspenseful moment, he smiled to himself as she let the breath out. It was then that he noticed Zach turning around to sit on Max's lap, joining his sister and watching the movie intently.

They'd seen the movie a million times but their kids never failed to seem enthralled by the story. Max smiled, leaning over a little to rest her head on her husbands shoulder. He leaned down towards her a little, kissing her head. "I love them so much." He whispered in her ear, she nodded in agreement.
"Best thing that has, and ever will, happen to us." She smiled, rubbing Zach's back as he started to rock back and forth in excitement. Lucas smiled back at her, turning back to the young girl who had now managed to end up at the foot of the bed, she was sitting on her knees as close to the screen as possible.

By the middle of the movie, Zach had ended up back on Max's chest, laying his head on her shoulder as he dozed off. His face formed a small pout from the force of Maxs skin against him and she couldn't help but notice how much he looked like his dad. She leaned down to kiss his forehead as she felt herself starting to drift off, reminding herself that she needed to stay awake to take the kids to bed once the movie was finished.

Lucas, on the other hand, had now joined Abi at the foot of the bed and had her in his lap, both of them watching the movie closely. He had one arm wrapped around her and the other resting on his leg, she started to shake with excitement as Jasmine escaped from Jafar. He couldn't help but smile along with her, her happiness had become the most contagious thing for him, even from the day she started smiling.

By the end of the movie, Zach was still sleeping soundly on Max while Lucas and Abi had made their way back up to sitting upright against the headboard. Max, barely conscious, watched with half closed eyes as Lucas got up to turn the TV off. Abi was stuck to him like a koala on a tree, her arms around his neck and her legs attached to his side, he turned to the door to take her to bed but stopped himself. He turned back to Max, "Maybe we should let them stay, just this once?" He suggested, looking down at his sleepy daughter who was 2 hours past her bedtime.

Max nodded, looking down at her sleeping son. The second be had fallen asleep she knew she didn't have it in her to take him back to his room. She felt a dip in the mattress beside her as Lucas and Abi joined them in the bed, Lucas laying his head on the pillow next to her while Abi lay down on his chest. "Night daddy," She heard from beside her, smiling to herself as Lucas kissed their daughters head and ruffled her hair.
"Night, baby." He whispered, pulling her close as she buried her face in his neck again.

Max looked over just as Abi smiled contently, she felt a pang of warmth in her chest as she realised how different her life was. She had gone from having absent parents to having her own children and being the most involved and caring parent she could possibly be. She had a husband who loved her more than she could even fathom. No one could hurt her anymore. Her eyes welled up slightly as she looked down at Zach, her baby boy. She had never, ever been happier.

"Myles hasn't even woken up," Lucas noted, rubbing his daughters back gently. She smiled,
"I know, that's a first for him." She said, her voice slightly shaky. She knew he had noticed.
"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.
"Nothing's wrong. I'm just- happy." She sighed, content, as she turned her head towards Lucas. He smiled brightly at her.
"That's all I've ever wanted for you." He said, leaning over to kiss her softly. Both of them quickly drifted off to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed!!

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