Lovers' Lake

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What would happen if Dustin had got on the boat in episode 6 and left Lucas and Max alone? Plot divergence (and a lot of it) NOT PROOFREAD YET

Lovers' lake

"Henderson! Hurry up!" Steve yelled, irritated as Dustin began to climb into the boat.
"I'm coming!" He yelled back as he tripped into the boat, rocking it from side to side, Nancy rolling her eyes.
"Goodbye ladies," Lucas winked sarcastically as they travelled further from them, watching Dustin flip him the bird. He blew a kiss at him in response as his friend rolled his eyes and looked away.
"Bedtime at 9 kiddos!" Robin yelled back at them.

"I swear to god," Max scoffed as she crossed her arms. Lucas turned, laughing at her. 
"What?" He said, chuckling. She just sent him a sarcastic smile.
"Just our luck, getting stuck together," she complained. His smile faltered slightly. Oh. Stuck. She quickly realised what she said. "Not that I don't want to be around you or anything..." she continued, looking down to hide her slight smile.
"No I get it. We broke up, it's awkward." He said, waving dismissively.
"You think it's awkward?" She replied, looking up at him.
"N-no, course not it's just- uh..." he started to become flustered. She smiled at him again.
"I get what you mean Lucas, it's fine." He nodded at her as they stood in silence.

"What are they doing?" Max questioned after a while. He furrowed his brows at her and turned to watch the boat, which had now stopped. He held the binoculars up to his eyes and watched as Steve stood up.
"Steve is gonna go in I think," he informed her as Steve pulled his shirt off. Lucas groaned, "Gross, he's all hairy"
"Let me see," Max said, practically yanking the binoculars out of his hands. She stared for a while. Then for a while longer. Soon, she had been looking for a good 3 minutes. A splash could be heard as he dove in, Max lowering the binoculars with a groan. "He's in."
"How did I know?" Lucas retorted as she sent him a glare.

She leaned back against the rock behind her, Lucas following suit as they took turns watching the group look out for steve in the water from a distance. " have you been?" Max asked nervously, looking through the binoculars. He looked up at her warily.
"Uh- y- fine, yeah. I've been fine." He said, stumbling over his words in surprise. He watched as she nodded slowly and kept watching. As he opened his mouth to speak she interrupted him suddenly.
"Don't ask me how I've been." She deadpanned, he closed his mouth immediately. "I just- I think you can guess how I've been, Lucas."

Lucas. Not stalker. Not dork. Not even Don Juan. Lucas. He didn't like Lucas.

"Right. Yeah, of course. Sorry." He said, reaching for the binoculars. She handed them to him,
"It's fine. Just don't think there's any need for the small talk if it's information you already know." She stated, crossing her arms and leaning back against the rock. He held the binoculars up to his face, watching as Robin, Nancy and Eddie jumped in the water after Steve.
"Oh shit." He uttered in Shock, Max perking up as he said it. "They've jumped in."
"Yeah I can see that, I don't know why you even need those." She replied, rolling her eyes.

Lucas handed her the binoculars back and picked up his Walkie. "Dustin? Dustin do you copy?" He asked.
"It's Dustin, I copy." Came Dustins voice from the Walkie.
"What's going on, dude?!" Lucas yelled before Dustin started to explain that they went under to look for Steve, who had apparently been dragged under by something. "Okay man keep us updated," he replied before putting the Walkie down, ignoring Dustins lecture about him not saying 'Over and Out'.

"God, he's so annoying sometimes." Max groaned as she shuffled back a little, accidentally backing into Lucas. "Shit sorry." She said quickly, flushed.
"It's alright," he replied sincerely, he reached up to put a hand on her shoulder, intending to push them apart slightly as they were uncomfortably close. He ended up keeping his hand on her shoulder as Max looked up at him.

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