Basketball Season

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Someone has a surprise for Lucas at his basketball game.

!Fluff with slight angst!

A one shot about basketball...but I know nothing about basketball. It's fun trust me.
There is racism near the end of the chapter, I want to say that the persons views do not in any way mirror my own. No slurs are used either, obviously.

Hawkins High School
February 19th 1986

Lucas was sitting on one of the worn wooden benches in the locker room. Head in his hands, shaking slightly. There was a college scout coming to the game today. Obviously he was a freshman so that didn't matter so much to him but he needed to bring his A game in order to let his senior teammates stand out.

As soon as he heard the music in the gym stop and the commentators start talking he took a shaky breath in and stood up. Bending back down to tie his laces. The sneakers had been a gift from his parents, they were pretty expensive but they insisted he keep them because they were so proud of him for being one of the two freshmen that made the varsity team. Which hadn't happened in Hawkins in 15 years.

He hadn't been expecting it honestly. Day in and day out max sat in his yard watching him play and throwing insults at him to "prepare him for the real thing" whatever that was supposed to mean. Nonetheless he made the cut and the others seemed to be just as glad to have him on their team as he was to be on it.

He'd made one new friend at tryouts. Patrick. He was the other freshman that made the team. They'd talk about things that Lucas felt he could never talk to the party about. Like how it feels to grow up in one of very few black families in a conservative small town or how it feels to know why the teachers pick on you just that little bit more. These things were things he'd only ever discussed with his dad but he felt that Patrick understood him more than anyone ever could.

"And from Calderwood High, The Dolphins!" The commentators announced.

He could hear cheering from the hall but could also make out a few loud boo's from Hawkins students which made him chuckle.

"Hey man, you ready?" It was Patrick.

"Yeah let's go."

When the cheering stopped he could hear the men speaking again.

"From Hawkins High School,  The Tigers!"

As Lucas ran through the doors toward the teams bench he scanned the room. Mike, Dustin and the Byers including El were there. He wasn't aware that the Byers were even in town, figuring it was meant to be a surprise. And it was.

Next to the party were the party's parents, including his own and his sister. They were all smiling widely at him as he reached the bench. His mom smiled at him and tilted her head slightly to the left.

His eyes scanned the whole row until he noticed a certain girl's signature red hair. It was the week of Billy's birthday so she'd been grieving pretty bad for days now. It had started last Thursday, it was now Wednesday and it was the first time he'd seen her in person. She turned around just in time to catch his eye and she beamed at him.

He looked over to his teammates who were also looking to their families. He was going to walk over to his girlfriend when the commentators started again. She just gave him a small smile and nodded towards the court, signalling for him to pay attention.

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